| Looks very good! maybe make the contrast bigger. especially on the face(outline could be darker).
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| Sorry, but shouldnt all the black lines originate from the seal itself and not from the hands and toes?
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| i'd say third one, with the legs of the second one! one thing that anoyed me though, is that the legs are dented, maybe …
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| try going more organic and use some depth ( shadow, normal and highlight ) you could make it go from base ( which could …
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| Old-Cerulean Lake just for the lols..
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| In it's essence that is correct.
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| Looks like some of those icons were just edited from GBA games. Good job on it even though not all of it is entirely …
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| I think the biggest problem with the shading ( not just on the metal but also on the horse etc. ) is that it is almost …
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| May i suggest that you go for a less saturated color and a less red one?
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| Wasn't this posted a long time ago?
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| To bluntly answer your question. This is not considered ripping.. however it is frowned upon.
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| someone should announce who won .. and i don't wanne do it... seems weird to announce i won >_>....
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| they look awesome, but why use camouflage colours in space XD ?
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| Hey Arnold, Power Ranger =o, Gummi Bears, Never ending story stuff like that
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| Looks like you used a gradient. instead of shading like a gradient use a more organic form. try using this a reference …
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| on NKM ( old naruto game i used to work on )we had jutsu's and beasts that went up to 96x96, there were no problems …
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| Looks nice, but it's hard to CC when the animation isn't included.
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| try to use some references and use those to create your own, at this moment i don't have anything else that i could say …
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| I don't understand why ya'll are mocking these. I'll be honest he would not win a beauty contest with them and the …
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| The third one is my favouritw, it's the most pleasent one to the eye and gives great form to everything. very readable.
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| GTD73191 wrote: > I want to help draw Stuff for a game > but i have no idea how to draw pixel art D : > > like what are …
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| I felt creative once again. feel free to use these "turfs" as you please.
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| oops, i wrote it in dutch XD.. of course it should spell October...
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| A very rushed edit of my entry. I might prolong the challenge seeïng as there haven't been a lot of people entering! …
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| Now, you must choose.. take the red pill or take the blue pill. Whatever you decide will influence the fate of this …
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| Or you could just buy the manga ... a whole lot easier.
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| Perhaps if you would get rid of the gradient like colouring, add some texture and less saturated colours it would look …
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| Tenth grade.... i teach childeren of that age.. Have fun in your new year!
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| You could use some AA to give it a softer touch. ( Anti Aliassing ) The trunk could benefit from not being thickly ( …
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| Chris-g1 wrote: > Go on the PAS and in the toolbar under the tab "This site", there should be an option to submit a …
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| Are you creative? got a nice idea?? Join this contest and YOU might get featured on BAS's frontpage!
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| You're kiddin' right? not well known? Wonderwall is considered in Europe as one of the most beautifull songs written, …
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| You know, yesterday i had the exact same problem. what i did was restart my pc and than it worked again. have you …
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| I thought they were brothers o.O
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| Bakasensei wrote: > Remove that brown shadowish type thing from all angles except the north side. So then it'd look …
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| ImFail wrote: > Is this better? > > i'd go for something more like this
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| The AA one. but it should be AA'd and not blurred.
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| Reeex wrote: > > > Might be a new avy. New style. > > Like? I like the concept but i think it's a bit too rounded. Nice …
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| D-Dog417 wrote: > fuck u fuck face... sike naw ras im scratchin the whole thing and remaking better. Perhaps you're …
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| Pandora'sSecret wrote: > I've stumbled on a problem.. i can't get that womens head right.. > i want to use the same …
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| Zantofire wrote: > Yeah IDK why I named the title what it is rather than its pixel art of a zombie. > > Any questions …
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| Just a lil slimy doodle. I used way too many colours for such a simple piece.. Poor thing, it's looking for his heart …
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| So my attempts to make my own little space on the web a bit pretier seem to be futile. I can make the pictures i want i …
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| Fantasy novels are my all time favourite. Currently i am enjoying the books written by Maggie Furray, she has a …
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| Howey wrote: > > > I decided to practice pixel art more, and decided to make a male figure.. This is what I have so …
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| KeyWielder000 wrote: > Okay it only has one direction. > I'll edit later with more directions. > > anyways. > I'd like …
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| Lol. nash is alive ! Wazzup man ?
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| I'm still digging the rocks. The grass tile however shows some grid. not extremely obvious but it's there. May i …
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| I like it. It looks like you used the "big-dot" tool for colouring. instead may i advise you use the pen tool. this …
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Jan 7 2014, 5:28 pm