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| Hello, I am a music composer and I liked your games very much and want do original Music for All of the games. Here is …
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| Hello everybody i make music for games of all sorts and im looking for paying jobs so I can make payment at golds gym i …
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| Thank you so much dude someone fially trys instead of thinking that know the answer it dont come down to be as simple …
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| what would be fun like is if u made it 1st person and like its really you and have like some night of the living dead …
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| And the worst part about it is the stuff takes forever you compile
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| Would be cool if it was first person shooter
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| ok man thanks and sry i think i posted this in wrong thig should of did devel how to sorry guys was just in big hurry …
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| Lmao Pop lol just cuz it happens to you dosent mean it dose to me go get you some napkins waha and also pop check out …
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| Awsome bro very good luck to you I would love to see it done none of the ones I search are even playable
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| omg you guys are nuts ok dude here you go all you have to do is go to start then go to system tools then got back …
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| tired of using small 32 x 32 mobs well this will help
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| Kakashi592 wrote: > Does anybody know how to get code from host files. Becuase there must be some way becuase there are …
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| Thanks Lummox your always a good help to me your one of the best people on here for helping
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| what kinda work you do just host????
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| is it any of your consern?
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| here we go!!!!! i love it so much i think youll really love this one wholy crap !!!! …
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| i just want to take the time to thank you guys for voting im hoping to see you guys when the game is ready
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