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| Why we (non-members) can't answer in Classified Ads? Some non-members (I know many, including me <3) have any good …
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| We should be able to ban multiple people at time, something like... "Put the keys that you want to ban, separate them …
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| We should have an option to show only Pagers or Posts updates. I mean a Dropdown list where we can check what we want …
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| Would be nice an option in the Home Page to "Stop following all posts".
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| What about having BYOND (Not games, BYOND) achievements? (Involving the Website, Client and the Dream Maker). This …
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| Well since the "bug" i've found with black backgrounds i've tryed to copy / paste the states from the old dmi to the …
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| What about having something like this: What i mean is that if you hover on the #2 it shows a tooltip showing the …
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| As far i know there's no way to view our points. There's any possibility to show points when you click someones name?
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| What title says, Merry Christmas guys! :}
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| Well i just suggest a feature that let's us import multiple images in a Movie on a DMI. So if we want to import …
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| Everytime we get a page we always need to open the pager and click the link. What about displaying a box (Like the one …
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| Well, i didn't know that many people would say "I didn't know about this". It's also NOT documented on the reference, …
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| Well, after a while i wanted to do this feature request. It's something about Downloadable Content. But what does that …
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| Well after a while and the new byond pixel movement, i though that we would need the change of the mouse procedures, …
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| Well for a while i've been designing a Pokémon Battle System, which is basically same as game one (Latest ones) …
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| Well, a long time ago (2010?) i've made a post asking if you gonna purchase a Nintendo 3DS, the famous console that …
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| Hai, long time i don't get there. D: Hao are yu allz? I've been on Steam for a while talking with some of BYOND …
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| Woot! Today i just got my new Phenom II x2 (Yeah, II x2) i don't need a good good PC though. This is my second …
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| What about an option in edit HUB Entry to choose how many scores & medals are showed per page?
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| Well, not sure if this goes here. I've been working on my project (uses world.Export() to a Main Server) i started it …
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| Well, i just introduced myself on using call() with DLL's. It's a great way to do many things, but it's sad that is …
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