| The first Tourney Summary has been posted. Check it out!
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| Grandmaster bracket is already heated. Open bracket needs to catch up!
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| Coding, is it possible to have a green version? I don't know the feasibility of that, but if it was green I would …
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| I'd be happy with seeing this happen. (:
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| Alchemist was "game of the month" last month, but the post got buried almost instantly and I don't think anyone really …
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| Perhaps the Auctioneer++ could have a file of text full of the list of items on their auction (and if the items are …
13 |
| Oh, yeah that was intentional surely. Last version of course was the implementation of the Electric Light Orchestra …
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| Oh, I thought this had to do with screen resolution. In that case this is even easier and I don't know why people are …
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| I'm not exactly sure what it takes for a game to be labeled "casual" as I didn't put the tags on the game. As for how …
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| Unless the verb is needed you could always disable popup menus on the client. Set the clients' show_popup_menus var to …
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| You can't expect players' servers to be better. But you can expect, within reason, to be able to purchase a better …
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| I support this entirely. 16x16 is all I use.
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| Yut Put wrote: > Oasiscircle wrote: > > They stroke my love for big pixels. > > Kinky You're telling me.
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| Alchemist is complete! (:
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| Alchemist is original and has a pretty fun-loving and reverent player-base. Just a suggestion, some people like it and …
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| Complex Robot wrote: > Give us originality! I'm on it.
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| I would really like the on-move aspect native. It'd help with a lot of things I'm planning on doing in the future.
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| I hear you. This is the worst when you're facing someone that can beat you if you mess up.
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| Not right now. That's coming soon. There's a server up anyways! (:
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| I feel like Casual Quest is supposed to feel like that. I don't think it should be changed in the slightest, it's …
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| Forum_account wrote: > Yusuke13 wrote: > > I was just speaking of the small number of prommising games in development …
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| I feel like this could be easily worked around with a user-written proc but would definitely be useful if it was native.
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| Which is why I feel that directing punishment onto the people that are basically taking the position of a forum/guide …
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| Well it would've been seven days if I hadn't worked on it for an hour tonight just making it presentable/playable. If …
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| $50 is an exaggeration of what they're currently doing. And I think it's worked for what it was intended to do, so good …
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| The instant I saw this I thought of the Three Hundred Game Mechanics entry on a "Pellet Quest". Really cool little …
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| You don't really need to make a post about you leaving. Just tell your friends on BYOND over pager and leave, you're …
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| Thanks so much everyone, I've added my $100 as promised! (: Hopefully you can rally your family members as others have …
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| That looks quite cute. <3
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| Another little thing is that the page selection buttons at the bottom of the threads appear to be a tad too close to …
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| Actually BYOND's Make EXE function is pretty broken and I've always been quite vocal about it. BYOND isn't able to …
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| You absolutely deserve it for all the great work you've done for BYOND. (:
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| So Game in a Day is going to come around as a forum post now? Great, now I'm going to have an even harder time finding …
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| It should be $30 for 6 months and $24 for a year. Just to force people into making a good decision.
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| If I could, I'd definitely +yea this post.
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| tl;dr tl;dr If you like fan-games, start a flame war in this thread.
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| I really enjoyed this. (:
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| Haha, just by reading this I am already in love with this podcast. I'll definitely check it out! (:
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| Catfood is like Spam. Meat pucks in little cans.
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| Except for on most modern Apple products like the iPads where Flash isn't supported for no reason whatsoever. The real …
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| Just saying, unless you make your own custom window I suggest not making the default window a "pane".
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