Keywords: vectors

Vectors are pretty nice and easy.
And without any CPU usage either, even better! (:
Vectors are just a way of thinking about information, really. Can't imagine how the maths behind the vid you've shown would've been different had you never learned about them. Well, there are some ways, I suppose. Their significance is more apparent in more advanced 2D physics or 3D, though.
Yeah. You're right, but they just seem so easy and beneficial to BYOND in my mind. (:
Yes, they give you a very easy way of thinking about things. That's their benefit. Mind, you don't have to have a 'vector datum' or somesuch to think in vectors! In any case, props (yea+) for setting up elegant & accurate collision detection in that video. :)
Yeah, although jt_vectors helps a lot in doing vector math automatically, it's always going to be faster to just use 2 or 3 simple variables.
And I don't see any "elegant & accurate" collision detection, or any collision detection at all in that video.
Still, BYOND can do a lot with vectors. Nowhere near as fast as I would like, but still.
Well, collision is next, and hopefully it won't take a ton of CPU to do. I'd like to keep it really really close to 0%.
And I don't see any "elegant & accurate" collision detection, or any collision detection at all in that video.

Doesn't he do polygon detection to check when the car is on or off grass? I was sure I saw the car slow down when it went on it. Maybe I didn't see it right, though. If so, I guess you can keep the yea as future investment?

Yeah, although jt_vectors helps a lot in doing vector math automatically, it's always going to be faster to just use 2 or 3 simple variables.
Still, BYOND can do a lot with vectors. Nowhere near as fast as I would like, but still.

This is entirely inaccurate, and using jt_vectors is not going to slow your game down by any amount humanly noticeable. In fact, it might speed it up, by encouraging proper form. any amount humanly noticeable.

In this and other "pixel movement" systems, a lot of procs and /vector objects are being created and deleted per tick. Smoothness using this style of movement requires more frames per second(through lowered tick_lag), putting increased strain on the CPU.
BYOND's designed for using the built-in movement system. If pixel movement were ever built-in and supported by BYOND's design, it would be used everywhere instead, but it isn't supported, so it isn't used commonly. And don't bring up any of IainPeregrine's games, because(he's a genius, and) ~3 doesn't count as being commonly used. Foomer's Space Conquest to my knowledge also uses jt_vectors, but on a much slower scale, and is therefore not noticeable.
I don't know what Iain does, but I have a hard time believing he does or needs any special optimisation in his games. Rather than argue this point, perhaps you should try the following: replicate Oasiscircle's game, once using datums, the other not using datums. Host it with a few friends, and see for yourself if you experience any major slowdowns. I am convinced you won't.
Just so the people know, I don't use datums for this system that I'm using.
I'm currently working on collision using bounding-circles placed upon a rotatable median line on atoms to allow for easy movement and for quick and easy changing in degrees.
Out of sheer curiosity I spent the last hour or so creating this: I used jt_vectors and made sure to have absolutely no optimizations. I added some physics calculations for kicks, but they are sort of arbitrary since, writing this as quickly as I could, I didn't bother tweaking the mass. tick_lag is not changed and I have no macro optimizations or anything. You can click a mob to make it start moving randomly (or just run into it). #DEBUG is on so you can profile things. I had no problem running this with hundreds of mobs. I was going to add rotation but I forgot about it, but I'm not sure if the rotation vector shows in the stat panel or not. If it does, it doesn't really do anything.

Edit: playing around a bit it looks like I forgot to bound the acceleration with collisions, so expect some dizziness, lol!