Make a new character on the middle server
and call it whatever you want, were gonna roleplay about me (Cleru) Who receives a gift from his father, a summon creature, she is either a merchant or cleric or necromancer, or mage, she calls cleru her master, (Because its like repaying the owner for freeing her from the monster realm), the gift is at the exit to the starter dungeon, you appear magically and you have a crush on me but dont say it yet, just slightly hint it as we go, we travel the world to become the strongest warriors to ever live
Jun 15 2013, 3:02 pm
and call it whatever you want, were gonna roleplay about me (Cleru) Who receives a gift from his father, a summon creature, she is either a merchant or cleric or necromancer, or mage, she calls cleru her master, (Because its like repaying the owner for freeing her from the monster realm), the gift is at the exit to the starter dungeon, you appear magically and you have a crush on me but dont say it yet, just slightly hint it as we go, we travel the world to become the strongest warriors to ever live