
Joined: Apr 8 2005

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Hi, I'm Nielz!


Jun 28 2013, 8:01 pm
I hate Square-Enix FFL was great!
Mar 13 2013, 12:50 am
It seems like you people don't understand why its down. Tat is because of Square Enix & their copy right act
Sep 22 2012, 6:12 pm
We need Final Fantasy Legacy back. It was such an awesome adventure for me and my friends,but now its gone. I hope you and the other admins get back together and make this happen again.
Aug 25 2012, 7:46 pm
Hi i want final fantasy legacy back :( or at least the server code thing :3 I know the answer is no but still. D:

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Nielz's Games
Share files, code, pictures and music, play snake and hangman with your friends and ofcourse: chat!
Re: About Chattie
Nielz's Demos
Server Tool
Server Tool is a small and configurable server control panel which will automatically bring your game back up when it crashes!
Re: About Server Tool
Nielz's Libraries
A small pop-up chatbox system supporting up to three open chatboxes per player, featuring password protection, kicking, banning, and a sound notification for incoming chatter.
About Chatboxes