| Make some of the maps link to just a part of the same map. I do that some times. Just make a completely black tile and …
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| when the debugger tells you of an error, it should high light the line it is talking to. it already says the number, …
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| Weirdo has eneter Weirdo: how do i fight? Lord Nebathemonk: you can't yet, not done Weirdo: then what do i do?! Lord …
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| wow, that is so exitingm i wish i could get a virus! no, wait i don't.
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| and no one can tell me different: Mario RPG Harvest Moon Earth bound DBZ: Legend of the super sayain (... ok, not a …
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| under projects second or third page
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| alright, that's good, so i can make me punch, but what about making the enemy react, is this possiably? i'm saying that …
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| ok... more help is needed i have declared the units as objs, so how can i let the player control them, for their turn, …
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| i wonder if this is already posibble i believe that if the byond language was really flexible, they should have a way …
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