Naruto hyugga

Joined: Jul 9 2007

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Medals Naruto hyugga has earned in his favorite games

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Survive in Sudden Death for 2 minutes.

Earned on Oct 17 2009, 10:59 am


Play at least 800 games.

Earned on Oct 17 2009, 1:05 pm


As a ghost, kill the player that killed you and return to life two times in one match.

Earned on Oct 17 2009, 1:33 pm


Kill at least 600 players.

Earned on Nov 11 2009, 12:34 pm


Stun 800 players, kill 300 stunned players, and get stunned 200 times.

Earned on Nov 11 2009, 6:58 pm


Kill 100 ghosts, 50 players from the grave, and kill 50 players as a ghost.

Earned on Nov 21 2009, 9:05 am


Win at least 550 games.

Earned on Nov 28 2009, 1:18 pm


Collect at least 3,000 amount, 3,000 power, 600 kick, and 600 throw powerups.

Earned on Jun 14 2010, 10:27 am


Kill at least four other players within 4 seconds of eachother without dying.

Earned on Jun 14 2010, 10:49 am


Kill at least four ghosts while alive in a single match.

Earned on Sep 6 2010, 11:11 am


Gather 20,000 acorns.

Earned on Sep 9 2010, 8:20 pm


Dynasty Warriors: Feudal Wars

The Little Conqueror

Obtain A 1000 Hit Combo

Earned on Sep 30 2009, 4:29 am

Guan Ping

Unlock Guan Ping

Earned on Oct 2 2009, 4:25 am

Militia Soldier

Obtain Level 10

Earned on Oct 5 2009, 4:24 am

By Blood, Is Grace!

Kill 50 Officers!

Earned on Oct 5 2009, 4:36 am

Who Is This The Work Of?

Kill 75 Officers!

Earned on Oct 5 2009, 1:47 pm

Lu Bu

Unlock Lu Bu

Earned on Oct 5 2009, 1:55 pm

What Kind Of Demon Are You?!

Kill 100 Officers!

Earned on Oct 5 2009, 2:16 pm

Sun Ce

Unlock Sun Ce

Earned on Oct 5 2009, 2:33 pm


Obtain Level 20

Earned on Oct 5 2009, 2:35 pm

Zhao Yun

Unlock Zhao Yun

Earned on Oct 5 2009, 2:41 pm

Cao Pi

Unlock Cao Pi

Earned on Oct 5 2009, 2:55 pm

Zhou Yu

Unlock Zhou Yu

Earned on Oct 5 2009, 2:59 pm

Xiahou Dun

Unlock Xiahou Dun

Earned on Oct 6 2009, 4:37 am