Enter the Fray
Fight your very first match. |
Hat Trick
Win three fights in a row. |
Win on the first match you fight. |
| |
Elysius First Visit
Earned when starting a new file. |
Pokemon BlueFire fan!
Earned when getting a score of one million. |
Mewgia Defeated!
Earned when beating Training Forest. |
Sangrooth Defeated!
Earned when beating Tree Seaside. |
Zengroth Defeated!
Earned when beating Tree Seaside's secret. |
Shark Hunter!
Given to the player who beats defeating Sharkuza! |
Ashura Defeated!
Earned when beating Blue Sea. |
Monster Slayer!
Earned when beating Blue Sea's secret. |
Goliath Defeated!
Earned when beating Blind Dungeon. |
Broken Heart!
Medal obtained when beating Blind Dungeon's secret. |
Got Mewtwo!
Earned when picking up Mewtwo from a special Pokeball. |
The Imposter!
Earned when picking up Ditto from a special Pokeball. |
Got Hawlucha!
Earned when picking up Hawlucha from a special Pokeball. |
Bull Rider!
Earned when picking up Tauros from a special Pokeball. |
The Water God!
Earned when picking up a Kyogre from a legendary Pokeball. |
The Land God!
Earned when picking up a Groudon from a legendary Pokeball. |
The Weather God!
Earned when picking up a Rayquaza from a legendary Pokeball. |
The King Regi!
Earned when picking up a Regigigas from a legendary Pokeball. |
Biggest Secret!
Earned when picking up Mew from a legendary Pokeball. |
Virtual Pokemon!
Earned when picking up Porygon from a special Pokeball. |
Earned by having Porygon evolve! |
Earned by having Porygon2 evolve. |
Le Artist!
Earned by picking up a Smeargle from a special Pokeball. |
Got Turtonator!
Earned when picking up a Turtonator from a special Pokeball. |
The Alien!
Earned when picking up a Deoxys from a legendary Pokeball. |
The Beautiful Singer!
Earned when picking up a Meloetta from a legendary Pokeball. |
One of the Twins!
Earned when picking up either Latios or Latias from a legendary Pokeball. |
The other Twin!
Earned when picking up either Latios or Latias from a legendary Pokeball as long as you already have the other one. |
Earned when picking up an Arceus from a legendary Pokeball. |
Secret Move!
Earned by having a Pokemon learn Hidden Power+. |
Zombie Slaughter!
Earned when beating all 40 waves at Zombie Castle. |
Kick !@#$!
Earned when beating all 40 waves on Emerald Boss Survival. |
Hero of Elysius!
Earned when beating Save Elysius event. |
Full Moon
Earned when picking up a Lunala from a legendary Pokeball. |
The Power of the Sun!
Earned when picking up Solgaleo from a legendary Pokeball. |
Earned when unleashing Arceus' true potential. |
The Powerful Ghost Pokemon!
Earned when receiving Giratina as a gift. |
Hard Scaled!
Earned when picking up Golisopod from a special Pokeball. |
The Mythical Shadow!
Earned when picking up a Marshadow from a legendary Pokeball. |
En Urfasse
Capture a pawn using the en passant rule. |
A Horse, Of Course
Promote a pawn into a knight. |
Have your Queen get captured by a pawn. |
French Defense
Resign a total of 10 times. |
Only One Way Out
Capture a piece with a pawn in the a or h rows of the board. |
Capture a total of 4 or more pieces in a single game with your King. |
Flawless Victory
Win a game without losing a single piece. |
Oblivious Ruler
Win a game without moving or capturing a piece with your king. |
Win a game with 3 or less pieces. |
That's My Horse
Capture a Knight with a Knight. |
Take My Wife, Please!
In Witches' Chess, cast 'Scapegoat' on your Queen and have it triggered during the same game. |
The Perfect Disguise
In Witches' Chess, cast 'Doppleganger' on a piece and have it change into the same piece it was. |
All In The Family
In Witches' Chess, cast 'Familicide' on one of your pawns. |
Just A Flesh Wound
In Witches' Chess, while playing Black, prevent the capture of a Knight with 'Fake Corpse'. |
Entirely Pointless
In Witches' Chess, have one of your pawns become victim to the 'True Isolation' spell of an opponent. |
Now You're Thinking With Portals
In Witches' Chess, cast the 'Teleportation' spell on a single piece three times in one game. |
In Witches' Chess, cast the 'Flight' spell on one of your pawns. |
Endless Magic
In Witches' Chess, during one game, have a total Magic Power of 12 or higher. |
The Blue Truth
Defeat a Witch without using any magic. |
Pawn Poacher
In Witches' Chess, after 'Traitor' is cast, be in control of 9 or more pawns. |
Riches To Rags
In Witches' Chess, have your Queen become the victim of an opponent's 'True Isolation' spell. |
Twisted Logic
In Witches' Chess, avoid Checkmate 5 times in one game. |
Devil's Proof
In Witches' Chess, capture a piece hidden by a 'Fake Corpse' spell. |
The Cruelty of Witches
In Witches' Chess, checkmate your opponent only after capturing every non-King piece they own. |
10 PK
20 PK
50 PK
100 PK
| |
Taekwondo Black Belt
Become a black belt in Taekwondo. |
Wushu Black Sash
Become a black sash in Wushu. |
Capoeira Black Rope
Become a black rope in Capoeira. |
Japanese Kickboxer Black Trunks
Become a black trunks in Japanese Kickboxing |
Boxing Black Trunks
Become a black trunks in Boxing |
Baguazhang Black Sash
Become a black sash in Baguazhang |
Bokator Black Scarf
Become a black scarf in Bokator |
Judo Black Belt
Become a black belt in Judo |
Karate Black Belt
Become a black belt in Karate |
BFA 1 Fighter
BFA 1 Champion
Complete BFA Story Mode
Complete the BFA story mode fighter: Legato Frio! |
Muay Thai Black Belt
Become a black belt in Muay Thai. |
Krav Maga Black Belt
Become a black belt in Krav Maga. |
Aikido Black Belt
Become a black belt in Aikido. |
100 K1 Fights?!
Win 100 K1 fights! Nice fighting career! |
Brazilian Jujitsu Black Belt
Become a black belt in Brazilian Jujitsu |
You helped squash bugs in alpha. |
All by Myself
As Rogue, win a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented) |
As Medical staff, help save a Ninja target. (Unimplemented) |
A Win is a Win
You should be ashamed, Bodyguard. (Unimplemented) |
Good Judgment
As Judge, win a match by ruling against a villain. (Unimplemented) |
Poor Judgment
As Judge, rule against an innocent over a villain. (Unimplemented) |
Not So Crazy, After All
As Psycho, kill at least two villains in a single match. (Unimplemented) |
Still a Killer
As Agent, trick the FBI into killing two innocents in a single match. (Unimplemented) |
Serial Killer
In a single match, kill at least 5 players. (Unimplemented) |
See It All Go Down
As Detective, be the last one standing in a 6+ player match. (Unimplemented) |
Alone in the Dark
As Ninja, win a 10+ player match as the only surviving Mafia member. (Unimplemented) |
First, Do No Karma
As Doctor, survive a 10+ player match by only saving yourself. (Unimplemented) |
As Medical staff, save 5+ other players in a single match. (Unimplemented) |
I Am the Law
As Deputy, win a 10+ player match while always arresting villains. (Unimplemented) |
We All Deserve to Die
Play a 6+ killers-only match in which everyone dies. (Unimplemented) |
All for Naught
As Bodyguard, save an innocent who is then immediately voted out. (Unimplemented) |
THAT'S What We Pay You For
As Senator, cast the deciding vote against two villains in a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented) |
Gotta Catch 'Em All!
As Police, successfully investigate every villain in a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented) |
As non-Medical staff, survive a 10+ player match while being unnecessarily saved 3+ times. (Unimplemented) |
Guardian Angel
As Bodyguard, survive a 10+ player match while only protecting innocents. (Unimplemented) |
Leading the Witness
As Godfather, fool the Witness and Medical Staff twice in one match. (Unimplemented) |
Just Being Petty
Get revenge on your previous killer in the first round. (Unimplemented) |
What's up, Doc?
In 6+ player matches, die in the first round, three times in a row. (Unimplemented) |
I'm Helping!
As Citizen, vote for a villain in every round of a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented) |
As Witness, experience a quiet night for every round of a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented) |
Didn't See That One Coming
As Witness, die immediately after witnessing another target. (Unimplemented) |
You've come such a... well, not very far, but hey, at least you have a class! |
You've fumbled together a fortune! |
Mantis Slayer
You have killed the King of the Mantis. |
Slayer of Trolls
You have killed the King of Trolls. |
Dragon Slayer
You have killed the King of Dragons. |
Slayer of Slime
You have killed all three Slime Kings in a single session. |
Slayer of Fire Spirits
You have killed the Fire Spirit King. |
| |
| |
Im Back Baby!
Get King Kai to Revive you. |
Time to Finish this.
Transform into your Final Stage, Super Sayain 4 |
Closed Tester
Sanrei Glove
Obtained the Sanrei Glove |
| |
Level Cap
You have reached level 1,000 |
Espada Killer
You have killed all the espadas |
Death of Humanity
You have killed all of the Karakura Town Heroes |
Instinct Over Thought
You killed 50 Vasto in the Vasto Horde |
Mirror Mirror
You have won the Reigai Event 20 times |
Relentless Ordeal
You have won the Battle Royale 5 times |
Sado Immunity
You have survived La Muerte 100 times |
A New Hero
You have killed 10,000 Hollows |
Fall of Seireitei
You have killed 500 Shinigamis |
Vaizard Executer
You have killed 1,000 Lost Vaizards |
That's It
You have killed 1,000 Final Shinigamis |
Minute-Made Assassin
You have killed 100 players |
Dog of Authority
You have killed 10 Minute-Made Assassins |
Little Rebellion
Pimp Slapped
You have been killed by a GM |
Truly an Unstoppable Being
You have killed Vasto Ichigo 10 times |
Steal The Charge From Either Lab And Make It Back 10 Times |
Fail To Get Your Charge To The Lab |
Hopeful Gambler
Played 25 rounds of Chinchiro. |
Brave Gambler
Played 50 rounds of Chinchiro. |
Gambling Slave
Played 75 rounds of Chinchiro. |
Gambling Junkie
Played 100 rounds of Chinchiro. |
Lose 300 or more coins in a single roll of Chinchiro. |
Win a roll during Chinchiro with the maximum bet. |
Roll a Storm while playing Chinchiro. |
Beginner Arbalest
Unlock the Arbalest promoted class for Archer. |
Beginner Black Knight
Unlock the Black Knight promoted class for Soldier. |
Beginner Demon Hunter
Unlock the Demon Hunter promoted class for Soldier. |
Beginner Engineer
Unlock the Engineer promoted class for Rogue. |
Beginner Evoker
Unlock the Evoker promoted class for Mage. |
Beginner Ghost
Unlock the Ghost promoted class for Duelist. |
Beginner Grand Summoner
Unlock the Grand Summoner promoted class for Summoner. |
Beginner Hexer
Unlock the Hexer promoted class for Mage. |
Beginner Kensei
Unlock the Kensei promoted class for Duelist. |
Beginner Lantern Bearer
Unlock the Lantern Bearer promoted class for Curate. |
Beginner Magic Gunner
Unlock the Magic Gunner promoted class for Archer. |
Beginner Priest
Unlock the Priest promoted class for Curate. |
Beginner Monk
Unlock the Monk promoted class for Martial Artist. |
Beginner Tactician
Unlock the Tactician promoted class for Soldier. |
Beginner Verglas
Unlock the Verglas promoted class for Martial Artist. |
Beginner Void Assassin
Unlock the Void Assassin promoted class for Rogue. |
Expert Arbalest
Reach class level 30 with the Arbalest promoted class. |
Expert Black Knight
Reach class level 30 with the Black Knight promoted class. |
Expert Demon Hunter
Reach class level 30 with the Demon Hunter promoted class. |
Expert Engineer
Reach class level 30 with the Engineer promoted class. |
Expert Evoker
Reach class level 30 with the Evoker promoted class. |
Expert Ghost
Reach class level 30 with the Ghost promoted class. |
Expert Grand Summoner
Reach class level 30 with the Grand Summoner promoted class. |
Expert Hexer
Reach class level 30 with the Hexer promoted class. |
Expert Kensei
Reach class level 30 with the Kensei promoted class. |
Expert Lantern Bearer
Reach class level 30 with the Lantern Bearer promoted class. |
Expert Magic Gunner
Reach class level 30 with the Magic Gunner promoted class. |
Expert Monk
Reach class level 30 with the Monk promoted class. |
Expert Priest
Reach class level 30 with the Priest promoted class. |
Expert Tactician
Reach class level 30 with the Tactician promoted class. |
Expert Verglas
Reach class level 30 with the Verglas promoted class. |
Expert Void Assassin
Reach class level 30 with the Arbalest promoted class. |
Reach character level 10. |
Reach character level 20. |
Reach character level 30. |
Reach character level 40. |
Reach character level 50. |
Reach character level 60. |
Walking Around Money
Have 50,000 Murai on your person at once. |
Mercala Lover
Donate 5,000 or more Murai to Hikari in a single donation. |
I'm Absolutely Crazy About It
Defeat the boss of a Crazy dungeon. |
My Ears Are Bleeding
Make a bad decision about which enemy you shoot with your Gun. |
Does Something Smell Burnt
Stick your weapon in the wrong enemy. |
Land the finishing blow on a Gigas Rex with Beowhulf's Shooting Star. |
I Will Show You My Dance
Win a battle with the Neverending Story set active. |
Arctic Punt
Defeat an enemy by kicking them into an Ice Point. |
Winter Wonderland
After using the Expanding Ice skill, have 30 or more Ice Sheets active. |
Roleplaying Is Fun
Earn Roleplaying Experience for the first time. |
Violent Meeting
Walk away victorious from a certain meeting at the bottom floor of the Jammer Cavern. |
I Guess It Isn't Always Swordfish
Learn the password from a certain cat-eared detective. |
I Found It So It's Mine
Obtain a certain band from a certain secret base. |
Violent Reunion
Help calm down an old acquaintance in a very hot arena. |
Divine Warning
Receive a word of advice from a concerned stranger. |
Divine Judgment
Help clear up a misunderstanding in Law's End. |
Hold My Everything
Win a battle with no items equipped. |
Special Jounin
Become a Hunter Nin of any village |
Become Anbu of any vilage |
Rouge Ninja
Betray (leave) your Village |
BYOND Member
Given to BYOND members who play NSC. Thanks for keeping BYOND alive. |
Elite S.O
7 Swordsman
Leaf Kage
Sand Kage
Mist Kage
Rock Kage
Cloud Kage
Given to players who actively participated in ending the wipe/world |
Given to players who actively worked to save the world last wipe |
Given to players that successfully found the secret to Orochimaru's rebirth |
Special Operator
Granted to top tier shinob who have been selected to defend the world on behalf of their village |
Get 50 Revenge kills (kill the person that killed you after spawning) |
The Executioner
CTF Boxing Champ
Player with the most Knockouts in CTF |
CTF Champion
Player with the most points in CTF |
Chosen One
Unlock Indra Gene as an Uchiha (2% chance) |
| |
Village Leader
Became a Leader of a Village |
Hebi Leader
Became the Leader of Hebi |
Hawk Leader
Became the Leader of Hawk |
Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai
Tutorial Complete!
Completed the Tutorial for the first time! |
Rain Ninja
You have started out as a Rain Ninja. |
Sound Ninja
You have started out as a Sound Ninja. |
Rock Ninja
You have started out as a Rock Ninja. |
This shows you have been able to accomplish the hard and gain Chuunin among the other Genins! |
You have accomplished getting Jounin, showing you are an elite ninja within the village. |
You were made an ANBU by the Village Leader, showing you are a strong ninja who can even protect the village within the shadows. |
Elite Ninja
You have made Jounin and learned over 50 Jutsu techniques. |
Clan Leader
You've become a leader of a Clan! |
The Hokage is the supreme leader of Leaf who is considered the most strongest of the village and also the best leader. |
The Amekoutei is the supreme leader of Rain who is considered the most strongest of the village and also the best leader. |
The Tsuchikage is the supreme leader of Rock who is considered the most strongest of the village and also the best leader. |
The Otokami is the supreme leader of Sound who is considered the most strongest of the village and also the best leader. |
Use Byakugan for the first time. |
Activate Sharingan for the first time! |
Black Flames
Everybody Hates A Sasuke
| |
Not available at the moment! |
Monster Hunter
Fuuinjutsu Elite
You are a true Fuuinjutsu Elite! |
Yams Secrets
Nov 1 2019, 9:08 pm