
Joined: Apr 19 2017


Nov 1 2019, 9:08 pm
I miss you man.

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Medals Narutobeast25 can earn in his favorite games, and all games in which Narutobeast25 has already earned some medals

[Only favorite games] [Earned medals]

Naruto VS

Enter the Fray

Fight your very first match.

Hat Trick

Win three fights in a row.


Win a match.


Win on the first match you fight.

Pokemon BlueFire

Elysius First Visit

Earned when starting a new file.

Pokemon BlueFire fan!

Earned when getting a score of one million.

Mewgia Defeated!

Earned when beating Training Forest.

Sangrooth Defeated!

Earned when beating Tree Seaside.

Zengroth Defeated!

Earned when beating Tree Seaside's secret.

Shark Hunter!

Given to the player who beats defeating Sharkuza!

Ashura Defeated!

Earned when beating Blue Sea.

Monster Slayer!

Earned when beating Blue Sea's secret.

Goliath Defeated!

Earned when beating Blind Dungeon.

Broken Heart!

Medal obtained when beating Blind Dungeon's secret.

Got Mewtwo!

Earned when picking up Mewtwo from a special Pokeball.

The Imposter!

Earned when picking up Ditto from a special Pokeball.

Got Hawlucha!

Earned when picking up Hawlucha from a special Pokeball.

Bull Rider!

Earned when picking up Tauros from a special Pokeball.

The Water God!

Earned when picking up a Kyogre from a legendary Pokeball.

The Land God!

Earned when picking up a Groudon from a legendary Pokeball.

The Weather God!

Earned when picking up a Rayquaza from a legendary Pokeball.

The King Regi!

Earned when picking up a Regigigas from a legendary Pokeball.

Biggest Secret!

Earned when picking up Mew from a legendary Pokeball.

Virtual Pokemon!

Earned when picking up Porygon from a special Pokeball.


Earned by having Porygon evolve!


Earned by having Porygon2 evolve.

Le Artist!

Earned by picking up a Smeargle from a special Pokeball.

Got Turtonator!

Earned when picking up a Turtonator from a special Pokeball.

The Alien!

Earned when picking up a Deoxys from a legendary Pokeball.

The Beautiful Singer!

Earned when picking up a Meloetta from a legendary Pokeball.

One of the Twins!

Earned when picking up either Latios or Latias from a legendary Pokeball.

The other Twin!

Earned when picking up either Latios or Latias from a legendary Pokeball as long as you already have the other one.


Earned when picking up an Arceus from a legendary Pokeball.

Secret Move!

Earned by having a Pokemon learn Hidden Power+.

Zombie Slaughter!

Earned when beating all 40 waves at Zombie Castle.

Kick !@#$!

Earned when beating all 40 waves on Emerald Boss Survival.

Hero of Elysius!

Earned when beating Save Elysius event.

Full Moon

Earned when picking up a Lunala from a legendary Pokeball.

The Power of the Sun!

Earned when picking up Solgaleo from a legendary Pokeball.


Earned when unleashing Arceus' true potential.

The Powerful Ghost Pokemon!

Earned when receiving Giratina as a gift.

Hard Scaled!

Earned when picking up Golisopod from a special Pokeball.

The Mythical Shadow!

Earned when picking up a Marshadow from a legendary Pokeball.

Witches' Chess

En Urfasse

Capture a pawn using the en passant rule.

A Horse, Of Course

Promote a pawn into a knight.


Have your Queen get captured by a pawn.

French Defense

Resign a total of 10 times.

Only One Way Out

Capture a piece with a pawn in the a or h rows of the board.


Capture a total of 4 or more pieces in a single game with your King.

Flawless Victory

Win a game without losing a single piece.

Oblivious Ruler

Win a game without moving or capturing a piece with your king.


Win a game with 3 or less pieces.

That's My Horse

Capture a Knight with a Knight.

Take My Wife, Please!

In Witches' Chess, cast 'Scapegoat' on your Queen and have it triggered during the same game.

The Perfect Disguise

In Witches' Chess, cast 'Doppleganger' on a piece and have it change into the same piece it was.

All In The Family

In Witches' Chess, cast 'Familicide' on one of your pawns.

Just A Flesh Wound

In Witches' Chess, while playing Black, prevent the capture of a Knight with 'Fake Corpse'.

Entirely Pointless

In Witches' Chess, have one of your pawns become victim to the 'True Isolation' spell of an opponent.

Now You're Thinking With Portals

In Witches' Chess, cast the 'Teleportation' spell on a single piece three times in one game.


In Witches' Chess, cast the 'Flight' spell on one of your pawns.

Endless Magic

In Witches' Chess, during one game, have a total Magic Power of 12 or higher.

The Blue Truth

Defeat a Witch without using any magic.

Pawn Poacher

In Witches' Chess, after 'Traitor' is cast, be in control of 9 or more pawns.

Riches To Rags

In Witches' Chess, have your Queen become the victim of an opponent's 'True Isolation' spell.

Twisted Logic

In Witches' Chess, avoid Checkmate 5 times in one game.

Devil's Proof

In Witches' Chess, capture a piece hidden by a 'Fake Corpse' spell.

The Cruelty of Witches

In Witches' Chess, checkmate your opponent only after capturing every non-King piece they own.

World At War

10 PK

Win 10 Full Games

20 PK

Win 20 Games

50 PK

Win 50 Games

100 PK

Win 100 Games

BYOND: Martial Arts

Taekwondo Black Belt

Become a black belt in Taekwondo.

Wushu Black Sash

Become a black sash in Wushu.

Capoeira Black Rope

Become a black rope in Capoeira.

Japanese Kickboxer Black Trunks

Become a black trunks in Japanese Kickboxing

Boxing Black Trunks

Become a black trunks in Boxing

Baguazhang Black Sash

Become a black sash in Baguazhang

Bokator Black Scarf

Become a black scarf in Bokator

Judo Black Belt

Become a black belt in Judo

Karate Black Belt

Become a black belt in Karate

BFA 1 Fighter

Fought in BFA 1

BFA 1 Champion

Be the champion!

Complete BFA Story Mode

Complete the BFA story mode fighter: Legato Frio!

Muay Thai Black Belt

Become a black belt in Muay Thai.

Krav Maga Black Belt

Become a black belt in Krav Maga.

Aikido Black Belt

Become a black belt in Aikido.

100 K1 Fights?!

Win 100 K1 fights! Nice fighting career!

Brazilian Jujitsu Black Belt

Become a black belt in Brazilian Jujitsu



You helped squash bugs in alpha.
All by Myself

As Rogue, win a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented)

As Medical staff, help save a Ninja target. (Unimplemented)
A Win is a Win

You should be ashamed, Bodyguard. (Unimplemented)
Good Judgment

As Judge, win a match by ruling against a villain. (Unimplemented)
Poor Judgment

As Judge, rule against an innocent over a villain. (Unimplemented)
Not So Crazy, After All

As Psycho, kill at least two villains in a single match. (Unimplemented)
Still a Killer

As Agent, trick the FBI into killing two innocents in a single match. (Unimplemented)
Serial Killer

In a single match, kill at least 5 players. (Unimplemented)
See It All Go Down

As Detective, be the last one standing in a 6+ player match. (Unimplemented)
Alone in the Dark

As Ninja, win a 10+ player match as the only surviving Mafia member. (Unimplemented)
First, Do No Karma

As Doctor, survive a 10+ player match by only saving yourself. (Unimplemented)

As Medical staff, save 5+ other players in a single match. (Unimplemented)
I Am the Law

As Deputy, win a 10+ player match while always arresting villains. (Unimplemented)
We All Deserve to Die

Play a 6+ killers-only match in which everyone dies. (Unimplemented)
All for Naught

As Bodyguard, save an innocent who is then immediately voted out. (Unimplemented)
THAT'S What We Pay You For

As Senator, cast the deciding vote against two villains in a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented)
Gotta Catch 'Em All!

As Police, successfully investigate every villain in a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented)

As non-Medical staff, survive a 10+ player match while being unnecessarily saved 3+ times. (Unimplemented)
Guardian Angel

As Bodyguard, survive a 10+ player match while only protecting innocents. (Unimplemented)
Leading the Witness

As Godfather, fool the Witness and Medical Staff twice in one match. (Unimplemented)
Just Being Petty

Get revenge on your previous killer in the first round. (Unimplemented)
What's up, Doc?

In 6+ player matches, die in the first round, three times in a row. (Unimplemented)
I'm Helping!

As Citizen, vote for a villain in every round of a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented)

As Witness, experience a quiet night for every round of a 10+ player match. (Unimplemented)
Didn't See That One Coming

As Witness, die immediately after witnessing another target. (Unimplemented)

Angel Falls


You've come such a... well, not very far, but hey, at least you have a class!


You've fumbled together a fortune!

Mantis Slayer

You have killed the King of the Mantis.

Slayer of Trolls

You have killed the King of Trolls.

Dragon Slayer

You have killed the King of Dragons.

Slayer of Slime

You have killed all three Slime Kings in a single session.

Slayer of Fire Spirits

You have killed the Fire Spirit King.

Hunter X Hunter Online(Remake Demo)


You are a hunter

Dragon Ball : The Final Battle

Level 1000

Reach Level 1000
Level 500

Reach Level 500
Im Back Baby!

Get King Kai to Revive you.
You're Next...

Kill for the first.

Turn into Super Sayain 1

Turn into Super Sayain 2

Turn into Super Sayain 3
Time to Finish this.

Transform into your Final Stage, Super Sayain 4
It's finally over...

Beat all the Missions

Bleach: After-Life

Closed Tester

Tested The Game!


Learnt Your Bankai


Became An Arrancar!
Sanrei Glove

Obtained the Sanrei Glove

Bleach: World-Wide Adventures

Level Cap

You have reached level 1,000

Espada Killer

You have killed all the espadas

Death of Humanity

You have killed all of the Karakura Town Heroes

Instinct Over Thought

You killed 50 Vasto in the Vasto Horde

Mirror Mirror

You have won the Reigai Event 20 times

Relentless Ordeal

You have won the Battle Royale 5 times

Sado Immunity

You have survived La Muerte 100 times

A New Hero

You have killed 10,000 Hollows

Fall of Seireitei

You have killed 500 Shinigamis

Vaizard Executer

You have killed 1,000 Lost Vaizards

That's It

You have killed 1,000 Final Shinigamis

Minute-Made Assassin

You have killed 100 players

Dog of Authority

You have killed 10 Minute-Made Assassins

Little Rebellion

You have killed a GM

Pimp Slapped

You have been killed by a GM

Truly an Unstoppable Being

You have killed Vasto Ichigo 10 times
Shunpo Master

15,000 Flash Step Uses
Treasure Map

Loot 150 chests

Steal The Charge From Either Lab And Make It Back 10 Times

Fail To Get Your Charge To The Lab
Almost There...

Die With a Fueled Charge

Sigrogana Legend 2

Hopeful Gambler

Played 25 rounds of Chinchiro.
Brave Gambler

Played 50 rounds of Chinchiro.
Gambling Slave

Played 75 rounds of Chinchiro.
Gambling Junkie

Played 100 rounds of Chinchiro.

Lose 300 or more coins in a single roll of Chinchiro.

Win a roll during Chinchiro with the maximum bet.

Roll a Storm while playing Chinchiro.
Beginner Arbalest

Unlock the Arbalest promoted class for Archer.
Beginner Black Knight

Unlock the Black Knight promoted class for Soldier.
Beginner Demon Hunter

Unlock the Demon Hunter promoted class for Soldier.
Beginner Engineer

Unlock the Engineer promoted class for Rogue.
Beginner Evoker

Unlock the Evoker promoted class for Mage.
Beginner Ghost

Unlock the Ghost promoted class for Duelist.
Beginner Grand Summoner

Unlock the Grand Summoner promoted class for Summoner.
Beginner Hexer

Unlock the Hexer promoted class for Mage.
Beginner Kensei

Unlock the Kensei promoted class for Duelist.
Beginner Lantern Bearer

Unlock the Lantern Bearer promoted class for Curate.
Beginner Magic Gunner

Unlock the Magic Gunner promoted class for Archer.
Beginner Priest

Unlock the Priest promoted class for Curate.
Beginner Monk

Unlock the Monk promoted class for Martial Artist.
Beginner Tactician

Unlock the Tactician promoted class for Soldier.
Beginner Verglas

Unlock the Verglas promoted class for Martial Artist.
Beginner Void Assassin

Unlock the Void Assassin promoted class for Rogue.
Expert Arbalest

Reach class level 30 with the Arbalest promoted class.
Expert Black Knight

Reach class level 30 with the Black Knight promoted class.
Expert Demon Hunter

Reach class level 30 with the Demon Hunter promoted class.
Expert Engineer

Reach class level 30 with the Engineer promoted class.
Expert Evoker

Reach class level 30 with the Evoker promoted class.
Expert Ghost

Reach class level 30 with the Ghost promoted class.
Expert Grand Summoner

Reach class level 30 with the Grand Summoner promoted class.
Expert Hexer

Reach class level 30 with the Hexer promoted class.
Expert Kensei

Reach class level 30 with the Kensei promoted class.
Expert Lantern Bearer

Reach class level 30 with the Lantern Bearer promoted class.
Expert Magic Gunner

Reach class level 30 with the Magic Gunner promoted class.
Expert Monk

Reach class level 30 with the Monk promoted class.
Expert Priest

Reach class level 30 with the Priest promoted class.
Expert Tactician

Reach class level 30 with the Tactician promoted class.
Expert Verglas

Reach class level 30 with the Verglas promoted class.
Expert Void Assassin

Reach class level 30 with the Arbalest promoted class.

Reach character level 10.

Reach character level 20.

Reach character level 30.

Reach character level 40.

Reach character level 50.

Reach character level 60.
Walking Around Money

Have 50,000 Murai on your person at once.
Mercala Lover

Donate 5,000 or more Murai to Hikari in a single donation.
I'm Absolutely Crazy About It

Defeat the boss of a Crazy dungeon.
My Ears Are Bleeding

Make a bad decision about which enemy you shoot with your Gun.
Does Something Smell Burnt

Stick your weapon in the wrong enemy.

Land the finishing blow on a Gigas Rex with Beowhulf's Shooting Star.
I Will Show You My Dance

Win a battle with the Neverending Story set active.
Arctic Punt

Defeat an enemy by kicking them into an Ice Point.
Winter Wonderland

After using the Expanding Ice skill, have 30 or more Ice Sheets active.
Roleplaying Is Fun

Earn Roleplaying Experience for the first time.
Violent Meeting

Walk away victorious from a certain meeting at the bottom floor of the Jammer Cavern.
I Guess It Isn't Always Swordfish

Learn the password from a certain cat-eared detective.
I Found It So It's Mine

Obtain a certain band from a certain secret base.
Violent Reunion

Help calm down an old acquaintance in a very hot arena.
Divine Warning

Receive a word of advice from a concerned stranger.
Divine Judgment

Help clear up a misunderstanding in Law's End.
Hold My Everything

Win a battle with no items equipped.

Naruto Supreme Chaos

Special Jounin

Become a Squad Jounin


Become a Hunter Nin of any village


Become Anbu of any vilage

Rouge Ninja

Betray (leave) your Village

BYOND Member

Given to BYOND members who play NSC. Thanks for keeping BYOND alive.


Join the Akatsuki

Elite S.O

Join Sound 5

7 Swordsman

Join SSM

Leaf Kage

Become Hokage

Sand Kage

Become Kazekage

Mist Kage

Become Mizukage

Rock Kage

Become Tsuchikage

Cloud Kage

Become Raikage


Join Hebi


Given to players who actively participated in ending the wipe/world


Given to players who actively worked to save the world last wipe


Given to players that successfully found the secret to Orochimaru's rebirth

Special Operator

Granted to top tier shinob who have been selected to defend the world on behalf of their village


Get 50 Revenge kills (kill the person that killed you after spawning)


Kill 80 Players (total)

The Executioner

Kill 160 Players (total)


Kill 240 Players (total)

CTF Boxing Champ

Player with the most Knockouts in CTF

CTF Champion

Player with the most points in CTF

Chosen One

Unlock Indra Gene as an Uchiha (2% chance)

Naruto: New Regions

Village Leader

Became a Leader of a Village


Became A Jounin

Hebi Leader

Became the Leader of Hebi

Hawk Leader

Became the Leader of Hawk

Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai

Became an ANBU


Obtained 3,500


Obtained 25 Kills

Tutorial Complete!

Completed the Tutorial for the first time!

Final Fight

Rain Ninja

You have started out as a Rain Ninja.

Sound Ninja

You have started out as a Sound Ninja.

Rock Ninja

You have started out as a Rock Ninja.


This shows you have been able to accomplish the hard and gain Chuunin among the other Genins!


You have accomplished getting Jounin, showing you are an elite ninja within the village.


You were made an ANBU by the Village Leader, showing you are a strong ninja who can even protect the village within the shadows.

Elite Ninja

You have made Jounin and learned over 50 Jutsu techniques.

Clan Leader

You've become a leader of a Clan!


The Hokage is the supreme leader of Leaf who is considered the most strongest of the village and also the best leader.


The Amekoutei is the supreme leader of Rain who is considered the most strongest of the village and also the best leader.


The Tsuchikage is the supreme leader of Rock who is considered the most strongest of the village and also the best leader.


The Otokami is the supreme leader of Sound who is considered the most strongest of the village and also the best leader.


Use Byakugan for the first time.


Activate Sharingan for the first time!

Black Flames

Currently unavailable.

Everybody Hates A Sasuke

Currently unavailable.

Naruto Fuuinjutsu Elite


Kill 500 ninjas.


Not available at the moment!

Monster Hunter

Capture all Bijuus.

Fuuinjutsu Elite

You are a true Fuuinjutsu Elite!

Yams Secrets

ok xd