
Joined: Dec 9 2005


May 27 2013, 12:02 pm
Hey Naruto2900... I downloaded ur game to host for shits and giggles and I wound up LOVING it. So I wanted to let you know that I'm hosting it.. And for some reason it doesn't show up on the hub, so either add me(Kyubikitsune) and I'll send you a link, or download the previous version of the pager and open location>>20000. Thankyou^^.

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Naruto2900's Games
Dragon Ball Legacys Reborn
An original dragon ball z game, with the complete story line.
About Dragon Ball Legacys Reborn
DragonballZ 2 Legendary Saiyans
The battle maybe over but the war to save the world from evil is just starting, so take care of ur friends, family, and allies becuase in this war ur going to need them!
About DragonballZ 2 Legendary Saiyans
Naruto Jinketsu
A 100% Original game(excluding that its based on a popular series) with a fairly unique jutsu system. We try to be as accurate as possible so come and play today and get the full Naruto experience.
Re: About Naruto Jinketsu
Pokemon Project X
V 0.25 is out with atleast 15-30 new pokemons and 89 fixed bugs!
About Pokemon Project X