| (516) Currently, when using the key,value pair loop on the for list proc (e.g., for(key, value in list)), it is not …
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| Could we have the icon that shows the grid/where our mouse is when hovering the map editor back again? With the new map …
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| I don't know why the procs are shown on the object tree, and they only serve to make it more convoluted. I'd like for …
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| In order for it to load faster, an var option to set datums to not appear on the obj tree and thus making it load …
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| How great would it be if we could just do client.MousePositionPixel() //returns pixel position of the Mouse relative to …
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| Currently you can only edit an icon's hotspot via the Icon Editor. What I'd like is the option to edit ia via code, …
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| if I set an 'input as num|null', I can't press ok without any values set, so I'd have to at least type a '0' or have a …
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| Add the on-focus and on lose focus events to the map element on the skin
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| Like was discussed in the discord, it would be cool to have list.splice() and splicetext() added to the language.
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| From my testing replacetext() only allows positive start values. Requesting for it to be allowed to use negative …
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| So, currently the checkbox button's box size is static, not increasing no matter the size of the element itself or it's …
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| Currently the buttons on a alert are displayed horizontally. Would be great to have an option so they align on top of …
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| Option to limit the maximum length allowed in Option to limit the input to numbers/letters Option to filter the allowed …
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| https://prnt.sc/rxtjjr instead of the lines showing themselves more to the bottom when the horizontal space is small, …
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