Joined: Sep 29 2007

Like a Boss


Feb 10 2016, 2:08 am
lol, no need.
Feb 9 2016, 3:46 pm
I just looked through my spam mail to see that a BYOND alert had somehow made its way in there, and lo and behold, I learned that it was YOU who bought me a 6-month premium membership.

Thank you! <3
Feb 6 2016, 8:12 am
Toadlings, charge!
Jul 8 2015, 5:51 pm
Whilst I was going to make this a forum post, I figured the forums were too flooded with stupid stuff to put up with my own; but I didn't want to waste all those precious keystrokes; so I decided to post here.

It was recently brought to my attention(and mentioned to me by some of the people that I've been shown) that, apparently, at least a small portion of the community believes I know not what I'm doing with the engine due to my lack of libraries and (ORIGINAL)creations.

I am going to open this thread to allow as a session to express my previous statements more so, in a collective.

Yes, I ran one of the most popular Zeta rips on BYOND. Yes, I actually put work into it and learned from it(as I stated in the "How did YOU learn to program?" and explained through several other posts I cannot recall the name of). I actually made IMPROVEMENTS to the code. I didn't use a bunch of senseless libraries, stolen artwork/code, or crawl around begging for help. I didn't add in a bunch of random buttons, nor did I promote unfair game-play and abusive behavior in administration(despite what those kids that get banned may say). I actually improved every aspect I can recall off of the source I started with. I actually put in features I created solely for that game. I actually attempted to limit these 'admin' verbs to disallow for abuse(still can't think of a way to prevent 'ban/boot/mute' abuse, since those are all based on each person's subjective view of punishing someone.). I actually tried my darnest to balance the mechanics of the game. I actually didn't profit a dime off the game. I actually had no excuse as to why the hub was removed for copyright(as the only 'dbz' related content on the hub were links to the original rip's owner's friends long-dead games.). I actually released the source in hopes that the improvements and patches applied in my source code would be implemented and improve quality over the whole zeta-rip genre. I do not once claim it's the perfect zeta source, as I openly admit to the earlier parts of the source I touched on were rather poor quality as it was and as I gained experience and insight into the engine; I lost, very quickly, my free time to dedicate to the projects I previously relished.

This leads into the reasoning for my lack of original content. I am unsure of the visibility(I should check on that) of the Rundlement title, but I have, for some time; when the mood strikes, worked piece-by-piece at building the systems I feel are needed in the game. I have, only recently, gained assistance from a friend of mine into pixel art. Progress on my front is painfully slow due to my existing RESPONSIBILITIES, which rob me of much of my time. Having a wife I love takes up much of the remainder. I did, at one point, create a few libraries, as some of you may remember. Years ago, I released my 'v1' of the 'Auto Tournament' system I had. I went through several revisions over the years, as the quality early on was piss-poor and easily improved upon. I gained a cockiness in that I was the only one I knew that didn't have to resort to all these poorly done libraries and could create my own systems for use. This was a while ago and I outgrew that phase, as I quickly humbled myself by comparing and improving my works. I would look at certain libraries from the 'gurus' of BYOND and be unable to decipher what they did(ignoring and deleting the comments throughout the code) for days at a time.

The present state of life leaves me with little time to create and publish what I would, at this time, consider acceptable works. I CAN release the systems I have created over time for adaptions into anyone's means, but I consider much of that outdated and in need of re-writes. I have several newerish systems I created for Rundlement, but I'd have to test around and make sure I can deem them 'complete' before releasing them.

I, unlike many of you worried, have a life with responsibilities and have to work for a living.
I, unlike many of you worried, can judge the quality of work from these rips based of the commonfound features that I saw implemented and the difference between the quality of those systems and my own.
I, unlike many of you worried, have a self-conscious 'quality standard' in mind, preventing me from pushing out 20 'demos' of lacking quality.

Any questions/concerns/comments can be directed at me and will be responded to appropriate to the question/concern/comment,
Feb 25 2015, 5:08 pm
Hey, it's been a while. How're you doing lol

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Posts Posts and comments
Hasn't been assigned a status, so bump?
Who took a tinkle in your cheerios? Been really down again lately, even more-so than before the donations. Offering …
caches locally save resources to be pulled later in a quicker manner, so the client wont have to re-download them. MMOs …
Oh yeah? Well, I did it for The Rock. By it, I mean staying clear of SS13 after a few runs of not wanting to play it …
Version 2.93 *HEROs
He cheated, doesn't count.
Desperate attempt at advertising.
Make a sticky topic like the art and resources one with the reference sites?
Even worse idea, in my opinion.
You're late to the party, this has already been discussed before!
With the Xbox requiring you to have kinect attached, you could instead have remote ready in hand, and shout 'Xbox, …
Maybe there should be a sticky 'Thank Teka' post here, I see at least one new topic thanking him every time I check the …
Before this starts, just wanna point out something.
For the gameplay videos, yes, because they are assumed to have the license to create and publish that game, which is …
You gonna get raped.
As in the allowing for post like these, which are pretty much just asking for memberships, doesn't make BYOND seem very …
And there's a few chunks of information on procs and their uses sprinkled through-out the reference. I'll start making …
Or perhaps limit it? I understand the situation that would arise in which you'd consider removing a privilege such as …
Ah, Albro1, 'tis but a joke, my dear friend.
I'd recommend Archfiend Master for a membership, whenever someone decides to start buying again. He's been working hard …
Yeah, I noticed a few were still gone. Dark Apocalypse, Dragon Universe, and Dragonball Generations are all pretty high …
Hey, look! I'm included in something!
Idea #1: Eagle
Yo dawg, I hast tuh gets you on dat. Now, just pay my internet and I can help.
Personally, I always preferred the retro look in the player receiving a set number of lives and earning more. Of …
All 4 One isn't the same as the others, they said it when hyping it; so it's more if you're into that type of game. The …
http://www.byond.com/forum/ ?post=881901 You guys are a little slow on the draw with posting your preferences.
Solomn Architect wrote: > I think the problem is that you just don't want to take the time to create new, exciting …
SS13 ringing any bells? A lot of the most popular games seems pretty poorly done. It's more about getting the groups of …
You're not happy with how much memberships cost now? Increasing the amount a refer gets would increase the cost, …
Only thing you really need to get 'buzz' on ebay, is to sell items at a reasonable to cheap price with a decent quality …
I've seen a lot of the art before, is it from something else(RPGMaker?) or have I seen this game before?
Yeh, I'm gonna steal that for some pokemanz rip.
So you're gonna have multiple base icons? It's a good thing to do, but you're gonna increase the workload on the one …
Here we go with the Naruto stuff again. Is it even allowed to post this publicly? It is, in a way, giving publicity to …
There should be a admin feedback topic on the forum- it's best you use that. Also, removing 'all obvious infringement' …
It's the one posting the work's job to change the work posted based on the feedback, you cannot blame the people …
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