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| Joe, phulease. He's FOURTEEN and he thinks that RS was the only thing he lived for? If so, that kid should've gone to a …
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| If you know where they're going to be create, I'll say add them on the map with layer=null, and when you've "created" …
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| He's not talking about the verb 'hacking'.. -_- He's talking about a little 'tool' (hack) to improve/change it.
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| I wub you O-Matic, I doo!
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| A.T.H.K wrote: > That guy is a moron and how in the world would those affect bandwitdh if anything it would be space on …
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| Wait, BYOND supports OGG?
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| I think this is wonderful! I also mis indented wrongly, and then I always did delete, arrow to go downstairs,delete, …
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| Euh. Footbal/soccer/atletic things (running, jumping (<-- great for isometric), swimming, ...)
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| Wow. Is it me, or did this thing go HUGELY off-topic?
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| What the hell? I DID mean . What the hell is up with you saying I used a cursed word and someone blocked it out?! Jeez, …
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| Level 68 psy, level 51 wanna-be knight, level 46 acro. Game is really boring after a while. Too easy.
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| Just roll the dice, and if you're lucky, win. Little skill involved. Maybe some thinking.
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