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| Eugh, not sure but euhm. while(locate(/mob/shopkeeper) in oview(1)) sleep(1) src
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| Anyone watched it? I really hate the fact those; "We are ze winnerz, of eurovizion, WE R, WE R" guys pass. And sort of …
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| Guild wars does the same thing. Guild wars is known for PVP. 'Nuf said.
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| I'd love to, Pirate, but here in Belgium there are... none. Perhaps some evening classes, and those are most HTML/PHP, …
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| D4RK3 54B3R wrote: > Whenever a player picks up an item, use for() to loop through the damn inventory and do the …
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| You really don't want that server. Why? 1. Exp x 1000 is already ridiculous, but that with 70 drop just messes the …
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| Kujila wrote: > I hope they have a bundle of new characters they haven't revealed yet :D > > Specifically, I would like …
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| Ripped in the beginning. Not Zeta like O-Matic, though! =P
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| Miya wins! :D You'll knock a LOT of friends over playing like that.
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| I always liked a system where you got stats when you completed a certain quest. Of course, this brings back the old "I …
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| mob/verb Bunshin_No_Jutsu() set category = "Genjutsu" var/CCusage = rand(1,10) if(usr.CControl==100)CCusage= 5 usr …
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| YamiYugi124 wrote: >but some players may not reconnect properly after the reboot. That's a bug in the DreamSeeker …
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| I got banned once for calling someone a ripper in, euh, many possible ways. Data, do you have AIM / MSN? I'd like to …
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| Something like Spore on BYOND?
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| That return, isn't it unneeded? 'break', perhaps? :|
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