Medals Mrchar can earn in
his favorite games, and all games in which Mrchar has already earned some medals
Cold-Hearted Frieza
Complete the 10th Story Mission |
Namek Finale
Complete the 11th Story Mission |
Mysterious Saiyan
Complete the 12th Story Mission |
Dr. Gero
Complete the 13th Story Mission |
Heart Disease
Complete the 14th Story Mission |
Lab Rats
Complete the 15th Story Mission |
Time Flies
Complete the 16th Story Mission |
An Imperfect Match
Complete the 17th Story Mission |
A Perfect Being
Complete the 18th Story Mission |
Cell Games Begin
Complete the 19th Story Mission |
Cell Games Intermission
Complete the 20th Story Mission |
Cell Games Finale
Complete the 21st Story Mission |
The World Tournament
Complete the 22nd Story Mission |
Demon King Dabura
Complete the 23rd Story Mission |
Peace vs Pride
Complete the 24th Story Mission |
A Great Sacrifice
Complete the 25th Story Mission |
Supreme Training
Complete the 26th Story Mission |
The Fusion
Complete the 27th Story Mission |
Buu's Trick
Complete the 28th Story Mission |
Mystic vs Majin
Complete the 29th Story Mission |
An Inside Job
Complete the 30th Story Mission |
Kid Buu Emerges
Complete the 31st Story Mission |
Farewell Buu
Complete the Final Buu Saga Story |
Tournament of Destroyers
Complete the 34th Story Mission |
Saiyan & Kai
Complete 35th Story Mission |
Super Vegito
Complete 36th Story Mission |
Lucky Number 7
Grant 7 wishes with the Dragonballs |
I'm Still Here
Revive 100 times as a Majin |
Dende in the Flesh
Heal 400 times as a Namekian |
I Hate Monkeys
Kill 50 Saiyans as an Alien |
Last Stand
Reach 1 PL on the dot without using suicidal skills |
What A Waste
Fail to use your Saiyan Ability 50 times |
Too Fast Too Furious
Super Spirit Bomb
Kill 10 people with one spirit bomb |
Have 100 ki clash cancels |
What A Puny Attack
Cash Rules Everything Around Me
Casino Man
Lose all zenni on a gamble |
Speedy Gonzalis
Use After Image 500 times |
Ki For Days
Successfully use Android Absorption 500 times |
Blasted to Bits
Successfully land 2,000 ki blasts while using accel shot |
Successfully land 500 launch combos |
Successfully land 1,200 launch combos |
Are those Stars Real?
Successfully land dazing punch 2,000 times |
Whose Cool Now
Kill at least 30 coolers in the mini-challenge |
Risk Taker
Shoot 500 ki blasts while using Neo Tri Beam |
Snake Way Demon
Travel Snake Way 500 times |
Grind Master
Highway to Heaven
Professional Killer
The Elite
Learn all your clan jutsus |
The Master
Village Leader
New Legend
1.21 Jiggawatts
100M dash
Entrusted with the secret. |
A Holly Jolly Spacemas
Spent your Spacemas being beaten to death with toolboxes. |
Adjutant Online
A shocking demise
As an Arcfiend, stop six hearts in a single shift. |
Bear Hug
Better to burn out, than fade away
Blob everywhere!
As a blob, grow your blob tile count to the number required by your objective required size. |
Bill Masen
Black and Blue
Charred on the outside, well done on the inside. |
Block Stacker
Bombini is Missing!
Brown Pants
Show no fear in the face of battle. |
Bury the Dead
Button Pusher
Call 1-800-CODER
runtime error: Cannot execute player.unlock_medal() |
Captain's Log
Chevalier du Sorbet
Deliver the Magma King his Just Desserts |
Cream of the Crop
Lemme tell ya somethin' right now... |
Dangerous Game
You're not allowed to complain if your crew mates beat you to death. |
Dead or alive, you're coming with me
Deep Freeze
A dangerous vice to fulfill. |
Dracula Jr.
The dead know only one thing: it is better to be alive. |
Fell down the stairs
Only the ghosts know the truth now. |
Format Complete
AI, what are your current laws? |
For Your Ohm Good
Fun Times
Glass ceiling
Go away! 'Batin!
Frito Pendejo, public defender. |
Good feasting
As a werewolf, reach your objective number of victims fed on. |
Gore Fest
Goo Gone
Guardin' gnome
Guerrier Du Gelato
Jimi Heselden
honk HONK mother FU-
He's dead, Jim
I don't give a shit
Literally seriously, I can't. |
I'm in
Just havin' a good time, chillin' out. |
High Five!
I helped!
Old-school chemist's club. |
It's frickin' freezing in here, Mr. Bigglesworth
It's not 'Door to Heaven'
Is it really that time again?
Law 1: Don't be an asshat
Asimov's laws were always a little behind. |
Leave no man behind!
Life, uh... finds a way
Lock Block
Made friends with a welder. |
Man with a Scan
The Syndicate would be proud. |
Manhattan Project
Many names, many faces
As a changeling, absorb your objective required number of victim absorptions and make it back to Centcom alive. |
Master of Unlocking
Performed the steps required to unlock the Good Ending from the solarium riddle. |
Meth is a hell of a drug
Monkey Duty
Twenty cents a day, and half a bottle of beer a week. |
Mostly Armless
My Bologna Has A First Name
Neither fashionable noir stylish
Newton's Crew
Noah's Shuttle
It's not 2 of each kind but we'll make due. |
Oh, Doctor!
Ol' buddy ol' pal
I really admire how you stack the odds against yourself! Yeah, make things challenging! |
Old Enemy
Tensions between Nanotrasen and the Syndicate are reaching a boiling point. |
One Armed Bandit
Original Sin
Some places just can't take the pain. |
Party Hard
You were the life of the party, before your own life got taken away. |
Primum non nocere
Professional Thief
As a Spy Thief, steal seven or more items in a single shift. |
Puerile humour
Quit Cloning Around
Red Hood
Remember to Wash Behind the Antennae
Shit Fest
Shit for brains
Shut Up and Jam
Silent Running
Slow Burn
Smooth Operator
Spaceship of Theseus
Despite all that, you're still in the same boat. |
Suitable? How about the Oubliette?!
Tax Haven
Thank You, Bus Driver!
It never hurts to be polite! |
That tasted funny
The Force is strong with this one
The mail always goes through
The Syndicate Connection
Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise. |
This object menaces with spikes of...
This station is ours!
As a head revolutionary, live to see your revolution come to a success! |
Too Cool
To the stars
As a Flockmind or Flocktrace who has been in the Flock some time, successfully transmit the Signal. |
Too Fast Too Furious
Try jiggling the handle
Unlike the director, I went to college
Untapped Potential
Who needs magic when you've got skill like this? |
Vacuum Sealed
Vehicular Manslaughter
Windshield's a little hard to see through. |
We didn't start the fire
Weird Science
What's this box doing here?
Where we're going, we won't need eyes to see
Where's the smoking gun?
You're no Elminster!
You might look the part but your magic's all smoke and mirrors. |
You're a mean one...
You're a bad banana with a greasy black peel. |
| |
Have an active SG Subscription |
BYOND Member
Have an active BYOND Membership |
BlackStar Dragonballs
Make an BlackStar Dragonball wish! |
Beginner's Luck
Master of the Universe
Earth Dragonballs
Lord Of Supremacy
Life of Misery
Namek Dragonballs
True Hero
Legend Of Supremacy
Become A Legend Of The Supremacy World! |
Special Jounin
Become a Hunter Nin of any village |
Become Anbu of any vilage |
Rouge Ninja
Betray (leave) your Village |
BYOND Member
Given to BYOND members who play NSC. Thanks for keeping BYOND alive. |
Elite S.O
7 Swordsman
Leaf Kage
Sand Kage
Mist Kage
Rock Kage
Cloud Kage
Given to players who actively participated in ending the wipe/world |
Given to players who actively worked to save the world last wipe |
Given to players that successfully found the secret to Orochimaru's rebirth |
Special Operator
Granted to top tier shinob who have been selected to defend the world on behalf of their village |
Get 50 Revenge kills (kill the person that killed you after spawning) |
The Executioner
CTF Boxing Champ
Player with the most Knockouts in CTF |
CTF Champion
Player with the most points in CTF |
Chosen One
Unlock Indra Gene as an Uchiha (2% chance) |
| |
Have an Active Stray Games Subscription |
BYOND Member
Have an Active BYOND Membership |
Sub Member
Have an Active Subcription and Membership |
Become an S-rank Missing ninja. |
Make 5 players join your guild. |
Monster Hunter
Fuuinjutsu Elite
You are a true Fuuinjutsu Elite! |
Yams Secrets
Rain Ninja
You have started out as a Rain Ninja. |
This shows you have been able to accomplish the hard and gain Chuunin among the other Genins! |
You have accomplished getting Jounin, showing you are an elite ninja within the village. |
You were made an ANBU by the Village Leader, showing you are a strong ninja who can even protect the village within the shadows. |
Elite Ninja
You have made Jounin and learned over 50 Jutsu techniques. |
Clan Leader
You've become a leader of a Clan! |
The Hokage is the supreme leader of Leaf who is considered the most strongest of the village and also the best leader. |
The Amekoutei is the supreme leader of Rain who is considered the most strongest of the village and also the best leader. |
The Tsuchikage is the supreme leader of Rock who is considered the most strongest of the village and also the best leader. |
The Otokami is the supreme leader of Sound who is considered the most strongest of the village and also the best leader. |
Black Flames
Everybody Hates A Sasuke