| world.name defaults to what i want, but can be written to so won't always point to what i want it to point to.
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| Tested on a world with the any keys macro
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| if you press the `A` key while under the any key or any key+UP macro, the key returned by [[*]] is a, not A
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| Seems to be random, sometimes happens every 3 to 5 minutes sometimes can go hours without it happening.
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| Since byond 1615 byond has stopped including the embedded vsc++ dlls, and the installer doesn't seem to install vsc++ redist
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| topic calls triggered while (re)connecting are sent to the server even thou the protocol state doesn't allow that command at that point, leading to the server to trigger a protocol error.
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| call() can't find object procs if they have underscores in their name.
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| 515.1624 hangs on ss13 after joining from lobby, pinning a cpu core.
1 |
| Since 515.1611, the time it takes byond to run the first bit of code in a mapless world, has tripled.
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| Reproduction requires both the use of / separators on windows and for one of the folders the dme is in to be passed in a different casing from its casing on disk.
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| we went from being to support ~80 players with a maptick budget of 40% to being able to support ~200.
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| 515.1609 release crashes when calling string style dlls using call_ext
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| json_encode is eating my memory! Again!
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| This thread is too spooky for lummoxes.
1 |
| This is a byproduct of the input lag fix.
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| No reverse engineerings were harmed in the making of this post.
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| ie: Let us skip the string tree
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| Gib us 4gb of ram pls kthx
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| list.Remove(item) will (iirc) only remove the first item from the list if the list contained multiple copies of that …
1 |
| if you have an associated list, and do list[item] = null, the associated entry still exists, setting item to null, in …
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| (The root cause is 64bit inodes.)
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| A newly created empty list uses 24 bytes of memory, a list with zero items but used to have 1 item, uses 104 bytes.
10 |
| /icon, icon(), invalid data defaults, and mismatching md5s! oh my!
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| Running world.Export() on a non-existent hostname will sleep forever, blocking the caller unless they used spawn or set waitfor = false.
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| vis_contents will trigger a memory leak on the server when coming into/outof view
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| Addr can sometimes include a port number, and sometimes not. Anybody who mostly dealt with the latter will get …
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| The ability to programmatically control and access the data of the profiler would make it possible to automate data …
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| tick_overrun_ms += max(proc_start_ms - tick_start_ms - tick_lag_ms, 0)
1 |
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| Calling ..() in IsBanned() is sometimes not returning the matched ban, nor is the match getting saved to the actual stickyban's list of matched keys/ips/cids in byond/cfg/ban.txt.
3 |
| Descriptive Problem Summary: The website removes tabs from the rendered version of dm code blocks, putting down four …
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4 |
| Since 511, in jquery, $.get("?blah=blah") works, but the html returned is always the current page.
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| A downstream had issues and asked for help, my power level is not strong enough
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| Faulting application name: dreamdaemon.exe, version: 5.0.512.1427 Faulting module name: d3dx9_43.dll Exception code: 0xc0000135 Fault offset: 0x0009d4c2
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| Datums that have a user defined var overridden in a child type see more memory usage even though the vars are never modified from their compile time value
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| 0xc0000005: byondcore.dll+0x0016b88d (512.1425)
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| Running json_encode on the vars list treats it as a non-associated list and encodes it as an array, not grabbing the contents of the variables to encode as an object.
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| Resolving defines uses a linear search, this could be made a binary search or other logarithmic solution to speed up …
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| It would be really nice if we could see info about drags in other mouse procs like click so we can support advance …
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Oct 4 2020, 12:16 pm