Monkey DG

Joined: Mar 5 2013

Medals Monkey DG can earn in his favorite games

[Any games] [Earned medals]

Pokemon Race Against Time

Fire Badge

You have defeated the Fire Gymleader!

Ice Badge

You have defeated the Ice Gymleader!

Psychic Badge

You have defeated the Psychic Gymleader!

Water Badge

You have defeated the Water Gymleader!

Thunder Badge

You have defeated the Thunder Gymleader!

Grass Badge

You have defeated the Dragon Gymleader!

Ghost Badge

Poison Badge

You have defeated the Poison Gymleader!

Flying Badge

You have defeated the Flying Gymleader!

Fighting Badge

You have defeated the Fighting Gymleader!

Rainbow Badge

You have defeated the Rainbow Gymleader!

Bug Badge

You have defeated the Bug Gymleader!