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| That will still be there. Optional features by definition do not take away anything from those who opt out.
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| Here's a mask that doesn't use icons at all: object being blended onto is src //ugly to reduce image() calls and …
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| Would rather work with a list directly like with color matrices than a params string. Then again I'd prefer an actual …
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| The behavior of overlays/underlays having their own static plane defined makes it annoying when the plane of the master …
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| Pure syntactic sugar is generally not a good use of time to implement.
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| Currently if we have an opaque, white square object with an overlay in BLEND_MULTIPLY blend mode, any transparent …
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| You can tell a path . from a static function because of the closing (). Just by disallowing () in paths except in …
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| Well I wouldn't say it's impossible. Subnautica exists, after all.
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| We only have 201 planes to work with. Even assuming the rest of the game and the HUD are on their own planes and you …
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| Browsers have their own problems, sure, but for people who are good at it, laying out a browser with css is way easier …
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| Well the point I was making was that two people who agree with each other can get into an argument about something …
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| Still is, actually, although DS lacks some basic features that make it unusable.
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| A good short thing to add might be the list's length.
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| There were metagames before the internet; they were just all local. Strategies that worked in London wouldn't work in …
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| Teams are better at getting results. Beyond that it's a bit of a wash. Poorly led teams are awful. Stay away from them.
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| It's nice just to know that the door is open for this. Technically speaking it doesn't enable more features, it just …
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| Personally I would probably only care if loc is null or not, although it might matter if it's a turf or a /movable. But …
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| Yeah it is a 3d sphere, I just wanted to limit it to 2d to make it a bit simpler.
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| /datum/configuration/config /obj/item/sword/New() damage = config.sword_damage return ..() /world/New() config = new() …
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| That won't be useful at all though The idea is knowing "Is this proc being called 500,000 times in one tick or 500,000 …
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| Pretty sure that's .reboot considering one of the other options is .profile.
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| Oh yeah, that would be even better actually, I just assumed that would be even harder.
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| That was the exact attitude I took when we had no control over how runtimes were handled. Dumping a ton of messages …
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| The problem is the corners and their rotational relationship with each other weren't designed to be rotated. Consider …
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| Could make it an in-game variable so the programmer gets to decide how much extra padding to provide any used …
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