
Joined: Mar 25 2004

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Aug 19 2022, 5:22 pm
No bitch
Feb 16 2013, 2:17 pm
I know your online right now and sorry to bother you but If you don't mind can you put a link to the Naruto Wild draw host files?
Jun 24 2012, 8:37 am
Hey,I do believe that there's something wrong with the files for Megaman 2:Legacy.If you can,please fix it. :D I would like to play it.
Apr 16 2012, 6:55 pm
Exorbital1 wrote:
I love Naruto Wild Draw please PLEASE host it xD I really want to play it. Or atleast get someone else to host it. whatever you want.

Or add the download tab like your other text games. I didn't even know that game existed until yesterday then after one play through loved it.
Apr 16 2012, 5:04 pm
I love Naruto Wild Draw please PLEASE host it xD I really want to play it. Or atleast get someone else to host it. whatever you want.

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