| My next game is going to be a multiplayer session-based game based off Square Enix's title "The World Ends With You" …
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| I've heard the discussion about byond integrating with facebook, but that it might be too 'spammy'. I, however, have an …
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| Anyone planning on grabbing it? My xbox live account is Nora Kisaragi if you wants to battle. I'm a Jin user :3
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| Nora Kisaragi Nora: Feminine version of Noriyuki from Ga Rei Zero Kisaragi: Taken from Jin Kisaragi from BlazBlue Two …
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| My grants came through, i'm happy ^~^ Also, the government is keeping track of this. Cool, kind of like a guardian …
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| I wanted to put this in my bio somewherez but I can't find the bio list thingie! D:: Oh wellz, this will do just as …
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| Life is starting to get complicated...
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| Copied from BYOND Features forum by Airjoe As it is right now, the input() as list is pre-built and usually maintains …
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| It's a ***** to code in, but in my game, since it's a roleplay with an RPG system built in, i like to upgrade enemy …
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| As it is right now, the input() as list is pre-built and usually maintains the same height/width. Can we get new …
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| If you're using topdown_view, and use turfs with big icons on the map. Will it still be that density only applies to …
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| You can define a frame via but, I need a way to set and get an icon's frame Perhaps a var, icon_frame, or some proc …
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| I've been reading up on how some features of dream maker are held back due to potential abuse. (PayDimes(), reading …
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| Sounds in my 454 games aren't working in 455. Is there some sort of new option i'm missing?
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| At the moment, even if command() is defined, if you put a hyperlink in the command bar and hit enter, command() will …
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| var/list/ favorites=param2list(world.favorites(usr.key)) if("Blahblah.game" in favorites) usr << "You're awesome! Thanks …
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| Why cant they just make the Bug Reports forum an automatic redirect to help--->report a bug? otherwise theres not much …
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| To replace BYONDimes, you can buy X amount of points which is immediately tied to your account Developers can use …
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| I caught you all by surprise! I've been gone for like 2 weeks, disappeared from existence preparing Sonic Speed for …
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| More info is on my BYOND Page You can see a video of my epic fail here, which also shows you how fast paced the game …
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| BYOND Build Number: 446.1027 Operating System: Windows XP Video/Graphics Card: Unknown Game Hub/Link: …
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| Snapshot() or something similar, would allow you to grab a picture using the default map. client/proc/Snapshot(args) // …
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| This weekend you'll be able to unlock a ton of new characters, and fight your way through Act 2 of Story Mode! Naruto …
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| Goal/Objective: To link worlds, and allow users from one world to communicate with another. This is different then it …
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Aug 19 2022, 5:22 pm