Hello Byond Users ^.^
I've recently have been trying to get more involved with Byond (Even though ive played byond since 07 lmfao...) by buying Blue Books from Tom awhile ago and to use Byond for its main sole purpose... CREATING THINGS! Any who I've never iconed anything before but id like to become more involved , any tips on my base icons or just tips and pointers in general would be welcomed , thanks!
South Base
North Base
East Base
West Base
http://kiwinuptuo.deviantart.com/art/ Pixel-Art-Tutorial-Basics-196016837
http://kiwinuptuo.deviantart.com/art/ Pixel-Art-Tutorial-Colors-184802567
http://kiwinuptuo.deviantart.com/art/ Pixel-Art-Tutorial-Shading-184136991
http://kiwinuptuo.deviantart.com/art/ Pixel-Art-Tutorial-Textures-203459613