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| ImmeasurableHate wrote: > So are you guys telling this to me or each other because I do not understand anything with …
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| Ter13 wrote: > Neither is optimal. The skill's behavior should be separate from the hud object that you click on …
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| Hi again, Haven't fully dived into your take of equipping yet but i did give it a shot by making equipment a /tmp and …
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| Hmm i like the idea of the drag to yourself to pick up. As it stands currently i use mouse drag for some of the picking …
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| Agreed, or at the very least an option that allows us to do that. Quite annoying having to navigate to DD :P
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| 2. How much time do BYOND staff members (Tom and Lummox JR, primarily) try to devote to working on BYOND? I work 40 …
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| There are many things that factor into this ill tell you a couple and how you can go about maneuvering through the …
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| mm true true i guess lol but im to lazy to hunt for some iconning tuts.
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| Take your time Forum, Make your libraries all sexy and compatible for us. And don't leave out any of them goodies :p …
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| I look forward to you coming back from vacation and hoping you have some time so that you can fiddle with the built in …
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| bahaha sounds like fun i guess :p
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| But with that it would also appear that you would want a globally fitting resolution as your base and when your …
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| A fine quest system with no remakes. a True piece of art
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| Highly usefull library recommended to ALL
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| Nice post, Well said. And thanks for the updates.
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| Beetles, birds, rabbits, frogs, elfs, fairies, ents. ~Midge
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| The ideal thing to do in my own personal opinion is set your interface to 1024x768 when designing your game and its …
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| Yea i figured the second var was pointless but i added it there anyway. Yea the slowing and what not is pretty easy to …
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| Yea im not a big fan of using secondary objects that stick onto the main object i found it almost always causes …
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| As everyone else has said. Just use a stick figure its easy to draw and can be used to showcase code mechanics. Once …
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| The guild part helped me. Mainly the part with issuing guilds back to the player at runtime.. actually that was the …
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Aug 12 2011, 2:21 am