
Joined: Jul 23 2007


MetalGrunt400's Favorite Games

Battle Fury is a large fighting game containing many characters to choose from. Come join in on the battle zone!
by MetalGrunt400 | Jan 15 2010
where different game worlds colide
by Fat Albert | Jun 22 2005
Tags: fangame
Come Join, The Revolution Just Started *Warning* 10 hours of training is NOT required
by Rudwh2009 | Dec 8 2006
by Kakashi24142 | Apr 20 2008
Tags: fangame
As of v0.413, we are using a network save system.
by Dixon | Apr 15 2004
Tags: fangame
Colonel vs Harpuia!? Bass vs Sigma!? Who will win?
FREE GENIN DAY ONE DAY ONLY SO COME ON IN!!/Roleplaying Game in need of gms apply in the forum also lag free server. ALL ...
by HolyDoomKnight | Apr 15 2004
Production ceased, will continue on 18/12/2009