
Joined: Aug 16 2010


Nov 6 2014, 9:38 am
hey... you still use this?

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Medals Melkivi19 can earn in her favorite games

[Any games] [Earned medals]

Charmed Life Or Death

Average Roleplayer Medal

A medal for achieving an RP Status of 2

Good Roleplayer Medal

A medal for achieving an RP Status of 3

Amazing Roleplayer Medal

A medal for achieving an RP Status of 4

Charmed Medal

A medal for obtaining the 'Charmed One' rank

Twice Blessed Child Medal

A medal for obtaining the 'Twice Blessed Child' rank

Elder Medal

A medal for obtaining the 'Elder' rank

Triad Medal

A medal for obtaining the 'Triad' rank

France Quest Medal

A medal for completing the 'France' quest

Egypt Quest Medal

A medal for completing the 'Egypt' quest

Magic Quest Medal

A medal for completing the 'Magic' quest

David Quest Medal

A medal for completing the 'David' quest

CLoD History Quest Medal

A medal for completing the 'CLoD History' quest

Race Quest Medal

A medal for completing the 'Race' quest

Charmed Quest Medal

A medal for completing the 'Charmed' quest

Wedding Medal

A medal for getting RPly married

Heartbreaker Medal

A medal for getting RPly divorced

Twins Medal

A medal for having twins in-game

Baby Girl Medal

A medal for having a girl in-game

Baby Boy Medal

A medal for having a boy in-game

Rebirth of Magic

The Triad

Obtained the rank "Triad"

The Elder

Obtained the rank "Elder"

The Trial Master

Managed to pass all trials of the market and obtained a reward