| The lighting in #2 is better then #1, but the size/shape of #1 is better then #2.
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| I 100% lied, I was there with bells on.
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| Dj dovis wrote: > Ye I liked the idea my self but come on theres no real post or events so I dont think its gonna stay …
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| Mega fart cannon wrote: > 3) If Sakurai is going to add another Mario character, it'll most likely be Waluigi. The …
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| Kid Icarus had an amazing story, the story of don't get hit by the eggplant wizard because he's a huge tool. I just …
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| You need an option of OH GOD NO! No one should "learn" from whatever bits of Japanese you know. Also, most browsers can …
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| Theme: Burst Though it can be taken in different terms, it could be interesting to see faster paced games made with …
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| Sounds good, but... "this weekend" is a little vague, don't you usually have an accurate time? I'll be joining anyways, …
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| "Fugsnarf" must be shown. In fact, I think an artists rendition of it based on the description would be even better …
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| I LOVE Kid Icarus. This must continue. Trying to get people to jump off my head (glitch).
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| So... who's officially part of the team now?
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| Akto wrote: > Jake is a dog! I totally wrote Finn, it's just in invisible ink, and the background wrote Jake right …
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| If Kaien-Toxic is actually that stupid, this is the best set of comments ever made. That was hilarious, his use of …
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| I think small games are fine without resize, demos and the like for example. But if I'm going to be sitting in the game …
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| Also, I know voice chat would require 3rd party program, but just thought you might consider looking into it.
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| NES palette is bigger then this...
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| 3 medals added (1 hidden), if I add some more stuff, more medals will be added, otherwise I can't think of what other …
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| Completely unrelated point, I love seeing that badge everywhere :P
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| BYONDlings unite, I'm glad there's still true BYONDlings out there, I was getting worried. Dream Seekers just seems too …
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| I like this game, it's pretty cool, and unique, tbh I think this deserves second spot, not to disparage Lugia, I just …
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| Your interface seems broken, and the help button doesn't seem to do anything (may have to do with the interface). Also, …
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| Stop trying to change BYONDlings, you people are terrible.
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| You need to archive the first season...
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| My understanding was that only members can submit, it was in an earlier post, so I haven't submitted anything. If …
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| Regarding the challenge, I think you should continue to create challenges, in my opinion people will join if you …
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| I liked it, but not to be too negative, I prefer the first one, this one felt less professional. It's like the many, …
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| Agreed, I have two suggestions for the next one, Decadence or Ultimatum, because both are amazing games that aren't …
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| Darn, only 4, I wish I would've known about the contest earlier so I could've finished in time.
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| Awe, sorry about the impatience, I'll sit tight, get better.
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| No idea how to play the game, but I'll join to support BYONDCast.
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| This was great, I hope you both keep it going for a long time, I don't follow blog posts that much, but being able to …
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| If gods were to bless some players and not others, they would need a way to easily find out who's a worshiper and who's …
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| I'd join if it wasn't coinciding with Pop Lava contest...
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| Exactly it would be up to the developer to make an easy escape. Right now you can make a game go full screen and remove …
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| Glitch: I evolved my body size while next to a wall, and it phazed me part way through, when i moved i was forced to …
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| When you copy and paste the pasted section of an icon is placed to the bottom left corner, which would be fine except …
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| Ah, well, either way, Mao's belief wasn't an atheist belief, it was of his own, religion can foster groups of "evil …
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