| Personally I've used a hybrid(AI + Humans) system in my game for a while, and it works quite well. While it's …
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| That makes no sense whatsoever. Unless New York is the name of some obscure politicial group/military group/hippie …
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| I refuse to let my game, Pokemon MagmaRed, to be reviewed as a part of the proposed move of Pokemon Games to the BYOND …
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| I would do it if it wasn't based on an Anime. Sorry, but I don't want to contribute to the endless pit of unwanted …
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| Ironic. I got back into the real TCG just a few days ago. Just tried it.. How come when I try to move my …
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| A Castlevania: AoS and DoS Fangame
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| A Space Station roleplay game. Get a room, fly a ship, play the piano, or just try and live a normal life on the …
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| What happens when the Game&Watch Games meet an Icon Builder Game? Platform Builder!
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| ACWraith wrote: > Iron Giant, you don't have to be a gun! ;) Exactly what I was thinking when I watched that video …
11 |
| Mecha Destroyer JD wrote: > I'd prefer they just allow you to access stuff form the SD card like saves and etc. It …
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| Neat. I wish I had a fancy cycle like you do.. I've been thinking of maybe importing a good one from Denmark.
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| I find that it saves us from yet another world risk- Overpopulation. On a serious note, isn't it better to …
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| That. Is. Beautiful. Work. On. It. Now.
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| runtime error: Cannot modify null.icon_state. proc name: Bump (/obj/items/Bump) source file: obj.dm,111 usr: 0 …
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| I never thought of it that way. Could've saved me quite a bit of time doing calculations. (I'm known to make alot of …
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| I think that you might have just made the greatest review in BYOND history. Although I'm not entirely sure if it's …
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| Congrats. I've been on BYOND longer than your posts!? What did I do without them?
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| =( Audeuro was like, the greatest BYOND guild admin I ever met.(Second only to ACWraith, but that's a given as I'm …
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| Find the Elemental Gems, and become a guardian of the elements.
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| I learnt DM, Iconing, Mapping, and even a bit of music creation all by myself. It's a hard process, but it ends up …
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| That's not entirely what I said, I said that BYOND can't handle the orchestrated pieces that make the big games so …
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| You sound like a slightly-more-responsible version of me. Except that I don't have a job in Apple but that's beside the …
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| Welcome to the world of normalness. You will never be able to go back into your previously fun life again. Only …
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| Drak, you won't be disappointed. Anyway, I can't wait! All 35 Brawl characters here I come..
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| Lol, you mentioned the quote you gave to me as help advice. It actually worked for a while though o.O
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| This will give many people something to ponder over the next few days. And Traztx is right, the primary thing is that …
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| IcewarriorX wrote: > How about...Instead of them being randomly around the world. Each shard was passed down through …
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| Neat. Your Modding system and your Airflow Regulation/In-game Scripting systems sound neat. Hopefully the scripting …
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| I like it quite a bit; my only complaint is that the gradient's color doesn't seem to match the text.
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| Welcome to the club. Contacts FTL.
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| I smell idiocy in most of those. (Or was he trying to be a moron?)
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| The semi-active series of TOTEO Blogposts on here was replaced by a real Blog a few weeks back. Ever since I have made …
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| The only thing I've been stumped at for a while.
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| Nintendo FTW! SSBB FTW also!
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| Sounds good. What? BYOND Casual is forming an army, under a new commander? Get the Pawns ready! Set the Knights …
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| I personally prefer Fuzzy Logic, for the fact that Logic doesn't apply in a virtual world.
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| Instead of having all of the other BYOND Members posts pushing TOTEO posts off the page in a day.
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| My favorite one is the Default UI. To be honest, the original is alot better than any of the Custom UIs I've seen.
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| The first of many blogposts about The Throne of the Elements.
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| The beginning of a new Era.
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| The Past and Future collide in Pyra Productions' online interpretation of their expansive RPG.
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| I agree fully with the review. An awesome game ruined by a completely horrible community. I wish someone …
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| If you don't laugh at this, shame on you.
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| 14. Working and bug-free RSC Extractor released to public. (I actually found a public one that worked, tested it …
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| Instead of hundreds of GMs running around with a conflict of egos and whatnot, I find that programming your own AI for …
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| ..Now that's a problem.. How can I make a banner that spans the whole thing then?
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| Rugg wrote: > Mechana2412 wrote: > > I don't see the point of this, the virtual world is an alternate reality, so …
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| By the way, DigitalBYOND isn't working for me. "digitalBYOND Uptime: 136 days, 11 hours, 1 minute Warning: …
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May 2 2013, 12:23 pm