| Yesterday I got one of my last issues of GamePro, my subscription running out in october. I open the page.. What do I …
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| [image] I made this little Skin after fooling with the Interface Editor for a bit. Personally I like it, the font …
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| Where would I be able to get the latest version of OpenGL? I think mine is out-of-date.
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| Am I dreaming? No.. I can't be dreaming, I just woke up. If I'm not dreaming then why do I smell bacon? Oh.. …
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| I doubt that I'll get much of a response about this, but meh. Recently I made a small side-project that I codenamed …
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| Did anyone but me notice that the top bar has changed? It has a dropdown box now! Now I can switch directly from …
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| Can think of a single similar idea for a game in a short timespan? This happened to me a year or so back, before I had …
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| Contrary to popular belief. I was just too busy to post a new entry on here, and I also had nothing to post about …
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| Never make a BYOND program output every number from 1 to 1,000,000,000 with 1 number per line in a While proc.
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| (Enter large comment so people need to click on it to see it here plox) enterotherstuffforthesamereasonhereblahblah …
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| Just watched it yesterday. Well, part of it. It was reasonably good, but nothing compared to what Move #10 is going to …
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| I've been saying, over the past few weeks, that a Naelor Public Beta was in the works. Well that obviously means that I …
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| Alright. #1: At the "Your Unread News" at the top of the Members page, the date on the newest post changes whenever I …
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| ~WARNING: This may be a post containing details on an issue that may be complicated to a minority of people. View at …
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| I have some good news on Naelor v2. I have recently edited the moving animation on the players greatly. Now it is 4 …
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| Sorry for the inactivity. I've been really busy lately. My promised Naelor v2 coding has been badly sidetracked.. I've …
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| Once again, its another issue of Naelor Update News. I've been too incredibly caught up in all my other work to do much …
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| The Engineering Skill Guide/Explanation for Naelor is finally here! I posted it in the Naelor v2 General forum of my …
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| If anyone is interested, I added forums for Naelor v2 to my Guild's forums. Anyone who is interested in the game can go …
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| Time for the next issue of Naelor Update News. I have currently added HTML Skill guides to the game. I have added them …
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| Title says all. Happy March, I have no clue why I had the urge to blog this. Explanation of Engineering skill coming …
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| Missed another day of blog activity. I need to stop doing that, it looks bad on my activity profile.. Naelor is …
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| I missed two days of blog activity on accident. Great.. Naelor: TTR (The Text Realm, its the Textmode game) is coming …
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| Hiya, After thinking it over a bit, I've decided to start just a tiny project. What is it? Its a game entirely made in …
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| I have decided to work on nearly 80% of them! Here is a list of what I'm adding to the games/what I've already added …
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| Build your village. Train your army. Conquer the planet.
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| world New() if(world.day==today) mechana.stuck = 1 mob proc Codegames(mob/M) if(M.stuck==1) M The above was a …
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| I've decided to make a list of some reasonably fun games on BYOND. Pokemon RP Reborn- A certain few annoying GMs, and …
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| ....I was wrong.. I realized that my Member Page's colors were odd, so I decided to change them. I like the new colors …
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| It just is. (This is mostly a filler since I doubt theres anything I'd post on here today, and I wanted to be random …
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| FISH CHAT PWNS JOO. I'm going to code for it if Fautzo lets me. It just is pure pwnagggeee... because its PURE …
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| Now I'm angry. Why? Look on the BYOND Unpublished channel. About 7 Pokemon games hosted. Whats wrong? 3 or 4 of them …
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| My newly-written line of code died! Someone help me please. var/season world New() if(season==null) season = "Spring" …
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| Well I am officially stuck. I'm stuck between two things, turning the small project I have into a Survival RPG or a RTS …
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| I'm starting to get annoyed. I look on the BYOND unpublished channel. I see a few new RPG-looking games. I log on, …
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| Just got my Membership.. Thanks Wizwolf and Mecro Hydro Power!!
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| A whole new type of Platform RPG is back once again!
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| Mechana's Test Hub. Many new ideas are put into testing here. Home of the Popular Platformer RPG Naelor and new genres …
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| Build your base. Defend your flag.
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| A Pokemon-theme chatroom with multiple channels in a 2D world. Not just text-based!
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May 2 2013, 12:23 pm