
Joined: Jun 24 2008


Feb 8 2016, 7:13 pm
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Medals Maxior123 has earned

[Only favorite games] [Medals left to earn]

Dragonball Supremacy


Earned on Feb 4 2016, 1:17 pm


Become a Combatant!

Earned on Feb 4 2016, 1:17 pm




Make your character

Earned on Jan 22 2016, 2:11 pm


GOA - Clan vs Clan Edition


Earned on Jun 22 2014, 1:14 pm



Resident of Everland

Create a character in Everland.

Earned on Jan 9 2012, 10:41 am


A Miner Adventure

Water Mode (1 win)

Win one game of Water Mode.

Earned on May 18 2011, 10:04 am



Its the Taking Part that Counts

Simply join or start a Wargames server to receive your first medal [E]

Earned on Jan 23 2011, 12:37 am


Sunday The 19th

A real patriot

Kill someone with Captain America's Shield.

Earned on Jan 22 2011, 5:52 am

It's pizza time!

Kill someone with sais.

Earned on Jan 22 2011, 10:22 am

Let's turtalise 'em!

Kill someone with dual swords.

Earned on Feb 3 2011, 11:10 am

French backstabber

Backstab a person to death with a knife.

Earned on Feb 5 2011, 11:11 am

I am the Governator

Kill 5 people (no teamkills).

Earned on Feb 5 2011, 1:35 pm

This is John Connor

Kill a person who has the terminator as mask.

Earned on Feb 6 2011, 9:29 am

Super Saiyan appetite

Eat 3 sandviches in one round.

Earned on Feb 11 2011, 8:49 am

He who must not be named

Kill someone with the Avada Kedavra spell.

Earned on Feb 12 2011, 4:31 am

I wanna play a game ...

Be the only one of at least 5 to survive a round of saw.

Earned on Feb 13 2011, 10:07 am

The galaxy's best bounty hunter

Kill a person who has a bounty on his head.

Earned on Feb 15 2011, 8:52 am


Final Fight

Rock Ninja

You have started out as a Rock Ninja.

Earned on Dec 22 2010, 12:08 am

Sound Ninja

You have started out as a Sound Ninja.

Earned on Dec 22 2010, 12:16 am

Rain Ninja

You have started out as a Rain Ninja.

Earned on Dec 22 2010, 1:07 am


Dude, they're dead! Stop attacking!

Earned on Dec 22 2010, 1:34 am

You Sure Took A Hit!

Take a strong hit to a wall.

Earned on Dec 23 2010, 2:27 am

Leaf Ninja

You have started out as a Leaf Ninja.

Earned on May 25 2011, 11:06 am


Have spider stick onto an enemy!

Earned on Nov 2 2011, 12:30 pm


Catch someone with a Shadow!

Earned on Apr 20 2012, 12:04 pm

This Guy Is Tough!

Survive a Desert Burial!

Earned on Apr 21 2012, 12:03 pm


This shows you have been able to accomplish the hard and gain Chuunin among the other Genins!

Earned on Apr 24 2012, 7:53 am


Activate Sharingan for the first time!

Earned on Apr 9 2013, 5:14 am


Use Byakugan for the first time.

Earned on Apr 17 2013, 4:40 pm


Finally kill someone after reaching 5 KOs and having a tough battle!

Earned on Jan 1 2015, 5:41 pm


Successfully capture multiple people in Syrup.

Earned on Jan 5 2015, 2:27 pm