Maxie 6755

Joined: Jan 29 2006

just a 15 year old try to play fun games ^_^

Maxie 6755's Favorite Games

DBZ game of your dreams
It's FFL and it's better then ever but if you want a real treat go to nielz's FFL BEST EVER
by Mizuki-Kun | Nov 28 2006
I NEED A TURF ICONNER, AND A MULTI TILE ARTIST A.S.A.P [email protected] if you can help!
by Element88 | Feb 23 2007
Tags: anime, ninja
Welcome to Naruto Ninja Faith. We're back.
by JIRAIYAI | Dec 11 2006
Finally made a new base
24/7 host, unique verbs and training, Admin positions are Open and applications are being taken on Forum.
Fight till your number 1 and create your own legacy and go onto the hall of fames
by Falacy | Mar 18 2007
Tags: action, zombies
Welcome, to the last city on Earth.