
Joined: Aug 3 2007


Medals Max416 has earned

[Only favorite games] [Medals left to earn]

Pokemon BlueFire

Elysius First Visit

Earned when starting a new file.

Earned on May 25 2018, 10:54 pm


Dragonball Supremacy


Earned on Feb 8 2016, 11:05 am


Become a Combatant!

Earned on Feb 8 2016, 11:06 am


Naruto VS

Enter the Fray

Fight your very first match.

Earned on Jan 21 2012, 3:53 pm


Bleach: Oblivion Crusade


You have found one of the mystery medals.Can you find the rest?

Earned on Nov 5 2011, 11:32 am


Heroes United

Been There, Done That

Login to the Game

Earned on Oct 19 2011, 6:43 am


Naruto The Ninja World

Enter the Ninja

You've entered your first stage to becoming a ninja. Enjoy the road there!

Earned on Oct 2 2011, 8:53 am


Heroes United 2


Login to the Game

Earned on Jul 18 2011, 12:17 pm


Dragonball Z Ultimate Fighters 2

First Timer

Connect to the game for the first time.

Earned on Jul 4 2011, 3:59 pm



Popgun Pulverizer

Get your hands dirty.

Earned on May 11 2011, 12:31 pm


Kill 5 enemies without dying.

Earned on May 11 2011, 12:39 pm


Dragonball Z: Immortal Damnation

Been There Done That

Old Fight For Supremacy Medal

Earned on Dec 30 2010, 3:42 pm


Reach a certain level.

Earned on Dec 14 2011, 12:37 pm


Reach a certain level.

Earned on Dec 14 2011, 1:00 pm


Reach a certain level.

Earned on Dec 15 2011, 3:14 pm


Final Fight

Rock Ninja

You have started out as a Rock Ninja.

Earned on Dec 19 2010, 11:57 am

Leaf Ninja

You have started out as a Leaf Ninja.

Earned on Sep 10 2011, 10:45 am


Dragon Arena

Open Tester

Earned on Aug 4 2010, 8:59 am


Pokemon Challenger

Beta Tester

A genuine beta tester!

Earned on Oct 20 2009, 11:59 am