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Gameplay: You basically start out as a soldier in a base, where there is an assortment of weapons, ammo, etc. You go north towards the spawn center and choose a location that has been secured. If none are secured, you have to go into the subway and capture one yourself. The map is an large version of racoon city, with an hospital, police station, loads of houses, etc. It also provides a perk system that allows you to upgrade weapons further. There are basically two types of zombies currently: Regular zombies that come in all sizes and are pretty slow, and then the crimson heads that run like mofo's snorting piss. Its best never to go outside alone.
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Originality: The game consists of original icons as far as I could tell. The Mob was customized and the turf (and various objects) were either taken from previous games or re-done for Dead World. It also has an original storyline, different from other BYOND Shooting games, where you are sent to different locations to fight an assortment of different mutations of the t-virus. Now its just this: You liberate as many parts of the city as you can while killing zombies and not dying yourself. Also, Perks are a new feature when it comes to RE games.
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Administration: There isn't a steady enforcer/mod team yet, so I can't say anything about it, other than that most of the mod's from Tet's REO2 server are "scheduled" to be added on as Mod's on Dead World as well.
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Flaws: For some reason, the zombies are able to push as well as drag barricades, which can be quite annoying. Also, if you don't have a silencer on your gun, then hoards of zombies will immediatley run towards you. This, coupled with the fact that you can't run very fast for very long unless you have the Marathon perk, means you have to constantly retreat or camp behind a crapload of barricades.
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Overall: All in all, I give the game an 8/10 for its current version. Its a fun new game and, coming from Darker Emerald, its an awesome game.
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