
Joined: Aug 26 2008

Just another Person

Mange125's Favorite Games

by DarkNinjaNaut | Feb 9 2015
Heroes & Villains from all over clash in this Anime Sidescroller!
by AZ0123 | Dec 9 2005
A Simple BYOND Savefile Editor
by VcentG | Feb 17 2005
Tags: anime
*Last Update 10/17/2023* A Bleach MORPG loosely based on the popular anime and manga, with RPG elements and a content ...
by Dark lchigo | Aug 26 2009
Under Reconstruction
by Falacy | Oct 9 2008
Tags: anime
MMORPG Styled Game, Loosely Based on Bleach.
This game has moved to a new hub.
by Michael1234 | Mar 7 2008
by Narutomega1 | Nov 16 2010
A fun bleach game
A fun-balanced game with a great training system, 9 resurrecions, 15 shikais, and frequent updates hosted 24/7 with no ...
by Matt3151 | Jun 22 2008
Game by the Staff of Naruto the Final Battle!
All Espadas have Shikais, there are some Arrancar shikai. We have TONS of Shinigami Zanpakutou to choose from. Game's ...
by Mrtony | May 28 2008
Bleach Unleashed Bankai just have fun^^.
by Legend gordon | Aug 18 2012
Tags: anime
Welcome to BWOTS Role-play The Original Bleach WWA Ichigo's new bankai! (dual wield zangetsu), ...
A shell server (hosting service) for all of BYOND to use!
by Ganing | Apr 3 2011
Tags: rpg, text
A text-based martial arts game. Travel around the world, train, challenge friends, enter weekly tournaments, become the ...
A roleplaying game with a fantasy medieval setting. Version 4.041 - 1/31/2017
by FallenZ | Apr 6 2011
A fun Digimon experience.
by Teka123 | Sep 12 2008
An action pvp game with a role to fulfill that you choose to dominate the game.
Dragon Ball Z HU and Dragon Ball Z HU2 are both the same... only HU2 is an Imporvement version! Drabon Ball Z: The Final ...
by Xlordkiller | Dec 23 2009
by Nick231 | Apr 26 2005
Dragonball Zeta v48
by Efencea | Apr 18 2009
PvP tower defense RTS
by Seventh | Mar 24 2012
A Ninja Roleplay Game
by Ryan-hemsley | Sep 27 2013
A game in development based on the anime Fairy Tail by Hiro Mashima.
[PvP & RP Servers] Explore this expansive recreation of the Ninja World. Endless timeline, immense environment with vast ...
by Flypikachu | Oct 5 2013
FUN side scrolling Naruto game!
by Tsonic112 | Jan 7 2005
All my host fiels..
by Falacy | May 15 2010
Tags: icons
Icons for BYOND to share! Uploaded by the BYOND community.
A mafia game based on the anime Katekyo Hitman Reborn.
A game based on the Katekyo! series.
HItman Reborn Game in Testing Stages and needs iconners, gfxers and maybe extra programmers
WotV is a game inspired by one of the best unrecognized Anime out there.
A Text Based Katekyou Arena, emphasis on text based.
A katekyou hitman reborn text based game inspired by Roxas Katekyou Hitman Reborn: Italiana No Rhapsody
Remember, Only You Can Open The Door.
A far off memory like a scattered dream, A scattered dream like a far off memory. I want to line up the pieces... Yours ...
by Pepi | Dec 29 2004
The classic Kirby racer platformer
by Pepi | Jan 31 2006
A sequel to my the classic game Kirby Online...
by Pixelcomet | Aug 4 2015
An atmospheric, anime inspired role playing game.
An MMORPG of Mega Man Battle Network(action-pvp), we dont use random battles, we use the normal mode.PK isnt aloweed(but ...
A Megaman NT Warrior game... Maybe you should check it out...
by 318812401 | Sep 14 2009
Some Tailed-Beasts had escape and wandering everyway. Can you stop them before they destroy your hometown? Do you have ...
War is a-foot! Heroes, Villains, Akatsuki. Choose your side in this new original Naruto Sidescroller!
First anime fusion! We have Naruto, Bleach, Kenshin, and Saiyans. Currently working on restructuring.
by KTerror | Jul 30 2009
Welcome to Naruto Destroyed Chaos, Show based game, nice map layouts, (read the hub before you play if you want to know ...
by Keyla666 | Nov 1 2008
A Naruto clone that will hopefully grow to the most popular game on Byond.
by Ravenx465 | Feb 18 2009
A new and unique Naruto game with many features many games on BYOND cannot offer.
by Winning | Apr 20 2013
Tags: anime
Start your Ninja Journey!
by Mitzzz | Apr 11 2009
RP/PVP Fusion! Learn new Jutsu, Go on several Missions, Explore the vast world mapped at a massive size of 500 by 450, ...
by Naruto2900 | Apr 10 2007
A 100% Original game(excluding that its based on a popular series) with a fairly unique jutsu system. We try to be as ...
by QMarkReal | Jun 19 2009
Join for the full experience of the Naruto World.
by Masterralphy55 | Jun 28 2012
A true leader puts his team before himself..
The Original NNG
A long standing Byond game, continually updated, that progresses alongside the series. Challenge the world of Ninjas, ...
by Element88 | Feb 23 2007
Tags: anime, ninja
Welcome to Naruto Ninja Faith. We're back.
by Ashley_Laww | Nov 22 2014
Tags: anime, ninja
A super lit naruto team fighting game.
Offically the new awesomest most naruto game in byond History! Must play!!
by VcentG | Jun 28 2006
What is your way of the ninja? And how well will it work for you in a true naruto experience? Let's find out... (Not a ...
by Grand J | Feb 26 2010
Tags: anime
Naruto: Rogue, one of the most innovative and stylish naruto game on byond! Execute handseal combinations to perform ...
by Sleinth | Jul 11 2006
Tags: anime
A Naruto Text Arena. Attacks differ depending on your Clan, Class, and Village. Some Combinations have no techniques. ...
by Bambm | Nov 13 2008
Yo Every1 im a Super Update is coming to the game so till then enjoy...Oh and Rank my game if u think its good
by B-mut | Jun 17 2009
Tags: anime
The Continuation of Jinketsu!
by Jose SN. | Feb 10 2008
NSS, one of the most advanced, innovative, balanced and original naruto games on BYOND, with features such as: tree ...
by Suzakou | Nov 13 2009
A high quality game with astonishing graphics, revolutionary systems , and techniques that Byond haven't seen before. ...
Naruto: The Final Battle 3.0 Coming Soon!
updating need iconners/translator

Mange125's Favorite Resources

by Masterdan | Jan 9 2008
Tags: hosting
Run this environment in DreamSeeker, then you can launch any server you want and this will bring it back up if it ...