| This isn't something available via membership. If you're still looking for an Oceanic region server to host SS13, add …
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| Sorry about being late on this last week's prizes. Had some family stuff going on. No one posted any submissions, so …
13 |
| Wow. I come back to BYOND after a long break to see this? I am thoroughly satisfied.
4 |
| A.T.H.K wrote: > You're not the only one I know of at least four members who are with or were with some form of …
11 |
| I'd like to suggest that the ability to delete post from a thread one posted be added to the website. I'm really tired …
9 |
| Dang it. A check that was supposed to clear yesterday won't be clearing until Tuesday. I'm sad now...
18 |
| I just spent the last half an hour reading this entire thread, and one point I cannot stress my agreeance enough is the …
24 |
| It would be interesting to see a forum thread made for members only. On it, BYOND members could possibly share files …
3 |
| If you aren't easily distracted. I can't stay focused on one thing for more than an hour. That's why I've never …
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| But the issue is, it's still phpBB
165 |
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| It'd be fantastic to see a page be added to view recent post made to the official BYOND forums. It'd (hopefully) …
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| Cringiest Post Award 2015 goes to... ...Enpirez!
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| Hey! I used to play that too!
10 |
| Leaked source is the reason why I keep any and all of my non-public code in private GitHub repos. It's easy as all get …
22 |
| Ehh. I'll never not wire a house for ethernet if I'm going to live in it for at least a year, and I'm allowed to. If a …
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| My pleasure! Any excuse to help BYOND is a good excuse, especially when others benefit.
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| Look at the complexity of SS13. I've seen servers reach upwards of 120 people on them.
13 |
| Guys. I already said both were given out. Please read.
15 |
| Doohl wrote: > In less than a day. Keep an eye out for our announcement. Is less than a day today or tomorrow? :p
47 |
| This is a really great idea that I'd love to see put into practice. I'd try and do it myself if I had the time!
16 |
| I appreciate the vote of confidence, Kidpaddle45. A.T.H.K wrote: > I just feel like he's going to micro manage you and …
17 |
| A.T.H.K wrote: > No you wouldn't, most of you except lavitz and myself would.. Ive sunk plenty of BYONDPanels minimal …
74 |
| Kozuma3 wrote: > Haha ^^ , it was a great experience getting to meet so many people and get their insight on how life …
19 |
| Due to my having been inactive for the greater part of a year, I have no clue what's been going on. Can someone explain …
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| Not really into any of the games listed in the poll. More of a Space Engineers fan, personally. Although being a …
34 |
10 |
| Akto wrote: > Woot woot! Congrats everyone! It was a fun contest, those that entered did great. Also, thanks again to …
463 |
| Kozuma3 wrote: > Is there a chance of getting in contact with you over getting the hub_id and continue updating CC for …
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| I'm liking it. Got a story for the game, or are you just making it to get something made?
11 |
| Stephen001 wrote: > It's also worth noting that PAE comes out of the box on most distributions, similarly. > > Not that …
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| Personally, I bought a five year membership on both of my accounts purely for the fact that I love what BYOND is meant …
40 |
| Jean Sqribe wrote: > BitCoin is the stable currency of the deepweb, dont let anyone fool you; its not going anywhere; …
714 |
| Kozuma3 wrote: > Here is another game but with 32 pixels per tile. > > For a better view --> …
17 |
| I donated all I was able in order to be the first donator of the new year.
9 |
| Tashiko wrote: > If you read the front page, you would see. Or see some of the past posts on this subject: 90% only …
162 |
| Suicide Shifter wrote: > That really sucks to hear. Send me some pics of the damage, I want to see how bad the damages …
53 |
| Tom wrote: > Our subscriber system now uses a model where you provide your Paypal email and all of the transactions go …
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| Well, the next time you have a chance, it'd be awesome if you could make a post giving the actual specifications of …
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| It shouldn't be, but I'll reset it and send you the new one.
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| Think that's enough to keep a BYOND server safe from those kinds of attacks? I know they're not nearly as common as …
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| Would be even cooler to get them as vectors! ;)
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| Sorry about that, I just hate it when people try to talk about things they don't know much about. Lige wrote: > Suicide …
6 |
| Xirre wrote: > Oh, Tim. Does your domain get free hosting? Or do you pay for your domain to be hosted? I know a place …
28 |
| Yea... I know what you mean. I'd try and snag some of that money (to put towards my free services ;) with an original …
37 |
| Heh. Yea. And it means you (or at least it does for me) can ask for bigger things, just saying it's for your birthday …
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| Well, I will admit that I love that iOS devices are all hardware controlled. Androids main weakness is not enough focus …
23 |
| I, personally, don't seem to have any problems whatsoever. Maybe your ISP is doing some work, or the node you're on is …
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| While that would be a good idea, there's still the fact that BYOND leaves it entirely up to you to advertise your game …
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Dec 12 2015, 6:52 pm