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| Applicable Configuration: BYOND Version: 4.00 Operating System: Windows Vista Ultimate Web Browser: Internet Explorer …
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| Make the effing HTML work on the hub entries again please. :) ilu lol
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| It lets you keep track of your friends when they're on online games, instant-message them without having to minimize …
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| The Pagerban and Add Friends features should allow multiple keys to be banned/added simultaneously.
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| Yay! My school had a power-outage today so I don't have to go to school!!
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| I'm at school right now and I'm prolly not allowed to be on my site but it's not blocked so whatever lol. This is my …
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| First it helps if you know about my so-called "school". It's not a great site but nothing is great that involves my …
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| Don't you have to be able to code very well to work for Dantom?
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| To use the world.version variable, I need to set the world.hub variable to my game's registration number. How do I find …
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| Is it legal to code a pagerban bypass into a game?
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| How do I make a person a moderator on my Forum?
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