| ..() should produce a warning when there's no supercall to make.
1 |
| A new machine is on the way!
0 |
| We used to have an outline around the tile under the mouse cursor in the map editor.
1 |
| They fell victim to one of the classic blunders: never put a dirtbag from EA in charge.
4 |
| I seem to have misplaced my air guitar.
0 |
1 |
| It feels like one of those nights, Pinky.
3 |
| I wonder if OS movers are a thing.
1 |
2 |
| Microsoft is about to get a LOT more on my nerves.
1 |
| All I want is the fried mashed potatoes booth back, and a trillion dollars.
0 |
| We need more builtin proc support for Byondapi.
1 |
| ...and the only truly good Ed Sheeran song.
0 |
| Documenting Byond_ToString()
1 |
| Take good care of your mattress and it will take care of you.
0 |
| It'd be nice if call_ext() didn't need the .dll or .so extension so you could include both with a project and have it …
1 |
3 |
| Remember that warning to never announce what you're working on?
5 |
| But don't worry, it's still hot.
0 |
| Fireworks are back in town.
0 |
| Support someone who won't sell you out for a doomed IPO.
3 |
| Making someone's idiot nephew the boss is never a good idea.
0 |
| Canada is doing its Lucasfilm impression. And so is Reddit.
2 |
| Failing forward, with excessive alliteration.
1 |
| The interactive console in dd.exe should be optional.
1 |
3 |
| It's another Benadryl week.
0 |
0 |
| It was a good pop for once.
0 |
1 |
| That's right, we're riding the pain puns into summer.
1 |
1 |
0 |
| Except it was a little too hot for the red pandas today.
0 |
| Watch me pull a rabbit out of my basket.
1 |
| Yes, we named him for that Jack.
0 |
0 |
| We all could use a lot more green.
1 |
| Yep, it's all injury puns this month.
0 |
| Creating a ref() string for a value is slower than it should be.
1 |
| The default compiler error limit has been increased from a paltry 100 to 10K.
2 |
1 |
| It'd be nice to suppress specific warnings with a pragma.
1 |
| We can't have nice springs.
1 |
| The client could stutter when loading icons with a large number of frames. This has been improved (but not eliminated) …
1 |
0 |
2 |
| More features for the map editor
1 |
0 |
1 |
Dec 19 2022, 12:49 am