| I swear next week it'll be one with sharks.
1 |
| I'm gonna ask the Wizard for a new weatherman.
0 |
| Tall trees and trying to watch neighborhood fireworks don't mix well.
2 |
1 |
| Never could get the hang of Thursdays.
0 |
| At least the ice cream has been good.
0 |
| Since some people have called me papa, presents are obligatory.
0 |
| Yay! We're still not Adobe!
1 |
| June is bustin' out all over.
0 |
| I'm gonna lose a crapload of Ridiculousness episodes.
1 |
| Cheaper than AAA and I promise not to EA/Ubisoft you.
1 |
0 |
| The itchy throat has started kind of early.
0 |
1 |
| I'm playing on the other side this time.
0 |
| It's beginning to look a lot like an antihistamine commercial.
0 |
1 |
| It's curse-breakin' time!
2 |
| Yet here I sit with not one jellybean.
0 |
| It sure would be nice if browsers didn't need browse_rsc(icon(...)) to extract a single frame.
1 |
| The groundhog never mentioned this.
0 |
1 |
| Extreme sleep deprivation is close enough.
0 |
| At least that's one thing I have over GRRM.
7 |
| The map editor journey is far from over; let's make it better together.
12 |
| "Quick" feature list for 515
0 |
0 |
| It's usually fine as long as you're not bringing food.
1 |
| I don't know about you, but I'm feeling bloated.
2 |
| See, this is what happens from pushing the Superbowl back two weeks.
0 |
| Rise and shine and don't forget your booties, 'cause it's COLD out there today.
4 |
| All the snacks are calling.
1 |
| The Miser Brothers need to get their ducks in a row.
3 |
| Bring extra carrots for the snow goon horde.
0 |
| The only things roaring about these 20s are the dumpster fires.
0 |
3 |
| Just kidding. It was more than three.
1 |
1 |
| Stay on the nice list with these 5 simple tricks. #4 will shock you.
1 |
| It would be nice to read associative lists from Byondapi in a single call.
1 |
| I promise not to jump-scare you with Eric Andre, OR Amy Schumer.
1 |
| The turkey's good too, I guess.
0 |
| I don't need a little Christmas right this very minute, but I wouldn't be mad at it.
1 |
| Also various pies. But first, cake.
0 |
| Byondapi is getting overhauled prior to 515 moving to the stable channel.
1 |
4 |
| Later than I expected, but the day is nearly upon us.
0 |
| I think I break less of a sweat putting up the Christmas tree.
1 |
| It means a little more time to pack.
0 |
| This is a hard month to get un-fat.
2 |
Dec 19 2022, 12:49 am