
Joined: Jul 22 2013

Lorinzofuma's Favorite Games

by Carothis | Nov 2 2012
Tags: action, anime, fantasy, pve, rpg
Welcome to the Revamped PVE/PVP/RP Bleach game
A 2D Bleach MMORPG Sandbox! Português & English Supported In Game, discord and game updated Daily! bleach anime naruto ...
by Maltet | Jun 25 2017
Tags: battle, roleplay
A Journey to the West inspired role-playing game
This is a Dragon Ball based RP Game. Role-play with others, train your characters, fight- or don't! Your call to make!
Open world PvP/PvE action, fast-paced combat, and a fresh take on character progression. | nff naruto dbz anime bleach ...
by UnknownHobbit | Apr 1 2018
This is a roleplaying game inspired by Generations.
by Grind Knight | Oct 3 2022
Create your own ninja and battle against others for supremacy!
by Falacy | May 15 2010
Tags: icons
Icons for BYOND to share! Uploaded by the BYOND community.
Wisteria is a Roleplay Driven Online game that happens 30 years before Red's adventure, be part of the creation of the ...
Join this wonderful Roleplaying Game unlike any other. The best merge of existing Features and on top totally new ones ...
A roleplaying game.
Multiplayer RPG set in a unique RP-mandatory fantasy setting.