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| As Forum Account shown in version 5 where when player moves their info box dis appear. is there a way to make it …
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| For the Features how about adding some beams in the game.
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| For the Features how about adding some beams in the game and beam battles.
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| I am using Pixel Movement, Is it possible to move diognal using only 4 Dirs so it dosnt keep its default icon_state …
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| if(src.density) src.density=0;src.layer=6 src.icon_state="fly" src.overlays+=FlightShadow …
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| I am making my game using this library and now i coded fly verb, when ever i set user density to 0 and they bump into …
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| Is it possible to have built in byond feature where creator can create custom alert in their skin as set its parameters …
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| it would be great to add Onscreen Battle System like pokemon games on Game Boy or maybe like final fantasy, as most …
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