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| I'd like to see some JAVA or some other kind of DM code reader deal here at Byond. Because I can't download the DM …
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| Leftley wrote: > Spuzzum wrote: > > > Ok Leftly lets reply to posts when we are not on crack ;) > > > > So... you're …
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| Foomer wrote: > > mob/boxxmaster > New() > if(FIREking.is == "negative") Foomer.Recommends(src) > > …
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| I don't know if they have the knowledge to, but they could write their own sound format. And make their own sound …
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| If we could just get multiple channel wave abilities, also don't know if its there, but I'd like to have control over …
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| Jon Snow wrote: > Well someone offered to do the help guide and website for me! woohoo!! > > Well on the side I've also …
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| Sizzer wrote: > I have a font i found and wanna use . . but it has to be in the windows fonnt folder for it to show in …
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| Artificial Intellgent Bot, Chatroom, Bot Round'up game.
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| Hmmm I found all this very interesting! :) Ever play Creatures? LJR Ernie Dirt wrote: > I will give it a try Spuzzum. > …
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| OK EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is to all the people who use any of the Windowz and has problems connecting or hosting …
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| Yeah normally just typing in the port will run the game. Or if ur using a IP configuration, do your ip:port and it …
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| yes. not only to quicken your learnign curve but also its a good reference. All you end up needing in from the forum is …
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| Guess you haven't entered the world of, "Kemet" have you? Thats something totally different from anything else going on …
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| Well more and more of you are finding the world Kemet and for the most part, most people who make it out of the Halls …
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Jun 9 2023, 12:09 am