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| The Genesis 3D engine is a nice one to learn on if anyone is more interested in working with a already made engine …
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| verb += mob/MyVerb //Add your Verb verb -= mob/MyVerb //Remove your Verb The code above will add and remove it where …
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| Well your game is looking good! Like the website too. LJR
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| Tom wrote: There's a reason why anarchist societies don't succeed, ya know. Ah Tom your killin me! Being Anarchist I …
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| Asonano? Nihongo hontoni wakarimasuka? Konnichiwa AbyssDragon-san! Do genkidesu? Do nihongo wakaru? Dakara, bokumo …
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| Hmm This just gave me a very strange and interesting idea. What if you had a world where you click on TVs or what not …
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| You know m8.. mob/Logout() del src Will take care of that problem for you, unless your bored and just messin around. LJR
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| You know something I'd like to see at digitalBYOND, is an online 256 colors DMI editor. That means I can go to the …
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| Lummox JR wrote: > LordJR wrote: > > Actually the default gender goes to a Robot! Clever eh? > > (^_^) > > > > We're …
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| I feel guilty of using up Dantom webspace when adding something to Hub which uses the same banner as other channels …
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| How often are items that are submitted reviewed? Is there like a weekly time that this takes place? Or it just when and …
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| Also why not a small grid over lay check box??? Sometimes having a grid helps a lot with doing pixel art! Wanna see …
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| Make path nodes. A good example of this thats visual and you can see in action is the BYOND game Sheep. How the node …
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| I think Foomer is one of those guys we'd called weird if we knew them in real life. All by themselves in their own …
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| You know Dantom should add a "BAN THIS PERSON" feature! It would be something like POST="" If you know HTML you'll know …
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| The 10% is fine, its that extra 50 DIMES that tacked on that caught me by surprise and I miss read the 1st time I saw …
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| just email it to me I'm at work, don't have access to AIM right now: [email protected]
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| That reminds me of a scene from the anime, "Akira". "We're not like them in the outside world..." LJR
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| I just made a game from start to finish in 27 days. I think I'm qualified to answer your question ;) As for me I'm at a …
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| Could we get a banner opt. for Channels? LJR
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| I'm more interested in the data aspects of this. How bad was the lag? All those in the game at once? What kinda hosting …
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| Theosco wrote: > I don't have a Firewall. > > But i am using a cable line to connact to the internet off my brother's …
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| Hmm a friend of mine at where I use to work, knew I was already a game developer working in C/C++ Win32API with …
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| oh oh I keep forgetting about that! And its semi-updated too!! Great. I'll keep this in mind, why do I even take my …
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| Set them on a timer for the correct Dates, then all the pre-made graphics will just appear without you having to do …
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| Here is a close but original name for it Lil Antz LJR
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| Yeah but u missed the note, I'm not accussing anyone of anything. I'm clear under the standing that BYOND has been …
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| What is this Zilal you speak of? Is she the borg's central unit? P-) <- Me cyberpunk smiley(ancient) LJR
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| Do a turf check, if(istype(T,road)) continue place something like that T being defined as the turfs in the world, in …
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| I keep having a problem with lists. I think its more in the complex ways I'm trying to use them Here is what I'm trying …
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| Finally!!! that old Banner just didn't fit the community anymore, we're getting bigger and growing I can tell! I've …
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Jun 9 2023, 12:09 am