Medals LordCurrency has earned
in his favorite games
[Any games]
[Medals left to earn]
You have unlocked the Rinnegan, allowing you to use the Paths of Pain! |
Earned on Sep 30 2015, 4:12 pm
Reached the rank of Jounin and joined the ranks of Elite Ninja! |
Earned on Sep 30 2015, 6:51 pm
Seven Swordsmen Shinobi of the Mist
The Mizukage has declaired that you are now a member of the SSM |
Earned on Sep 30 2015, 11:06 pm
Your Leader has added you to their group of ninjas entitled the ANBU! |
Earned on Oct 2 2015, 9:39 pm
You have joined the evil group entitled "Akatsuki"... |
Earned on Oct 3 2015, 7:34 pm