
Joined: Sep 12 2010

An experienced GM/Game Creator. Page me for tips and tricks.


Feb 1 2013, 9:07 am
Can you direct me to a great shell provider company? Just place on my blog.
Jan 1 2013, 3:35 pm
Dec 31 2012, 8:51 pm
Yeah. Hi. You talk to me on Youtube a lot though. . .

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Medals Logananthony has earned in his favorite games

[Any games] [Medals left to earn]

Pokémon Online World


Earned on Jul 17 2018, 3:40 am


Zelda Online

Hero of Time

Completed the Temple of Time

Earned on Sep 19 2012, 6:06 pm


BYOND: Martial Arts

Bokator Black Scarf

Become a black scarf in Bokator

Earned on Aug 12 2012, 1:17 pm


Dragonball Z Ultimate Fighters 2

First Timer

Connect to the game for the first time.

Earned on Jan 7 2012, 6:43 pm



Popgun Pulverizer

Get your hands dirty.

Earned on Dec 6 2011, 5:46 pm

Double Kill

Kill 2 enemies in quick succession.

Earned on Dec 10 2011, 1:24 pm


Kill 5 enemies without dying.

Earned on Jan 18 2012, 6:17 pm

Pokemon Phantom Reborn

Dragon Badge

You Have Defeated The Dragon Gym Leader!

Earned on Nov 6 2011, 10:38 am

Bug Badge

You Have Defeated The Bug Gym Leader!

Earned on Apr 19 2012, 7:22 am



Walking On Sunshine

You know it feels good!

Earned on Sep 4 2011, 10:53 am

Lol Corner

That damned table...

Earned on Sep 4 2011, 10:56 am

Haters gonna Hate

Explore the Streets!

Earned on Jan 8 2012, 5:22 pm

Rage Quit

Rage Quit life.

Earned on Jan 8 2012, 5:24 pm

Curiosity killed the Cat

Rage Quitting can be creative too..

Earned on Jan 8 2012, 5:26 pm

Problem Fred?

Get the pokemon outta here.

Earned on Sep 20 2012, 5:24 am

Doing it Wrong

Rage Quit using less than 4 objects.

Earned on Sep 20 2012, 5:25 am


Grenades aren't supposed to go down there.

Earned on Sep 20 2012, 5:30 am

Mail Time!

When it comes I wanna wail!

Earned on Sep 20 2012, 5:30 am

How in the World...

So that's where they come from!

Earned on Sep 20 2012, 5:31 am