| I just stumbled onto this post put up by the administrators of what appears to be some free, MMO browser-based game …
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| ID:773631 Is it true that the distinction between games of members vs games of non-members applies to demos and …
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| It seems to me that LinkedIn is a type of service that Byonders might find useful, especially if they are hoping to …
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| LummoxJR wrote: > He does have blog space, though not a membership. ID:731867 How does that one work? Do non members …
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| Note by moderator: This thread spawned off an reply to id:723781 in Developers How-To and was moved here for the sake …
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| ID:701324 There have been numerous times when stuff like this happens. Could we eventually have a system like some …
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| It would be nice if we could check to see what world.log was set to. I almost never bothered changing world.log in the …
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| I have a browser pop-up in a game, and in the page within it I want to have a text area that allows the user to use tab …
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| Hey, has anyone ever added resolutions to their graphics properties in WinXP? On a PC I'm trying to help with, it only …
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| My boss just asked me to look for a solution to our wireless network access problem for our public wireless internet …
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| I am trying to figure out how to disable the two extra buttons on a 5-button mouse. The mice are from Dell, the two …
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| Whenever I get a new system going I usually just hastily go download the Zonealarm home firewall and AVG antivirus. Now …
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| I was just dumbfounded by this, so I had to come tell you about it... I am programming using my wife's computer, and I …
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| I've been looking around for information on domain name registration sites, and I have not had good fortune. I have …
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| Because guilds are finally getting the kick in the pants to be used for what they were originally intended, I will be …
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| Well, that was a lot of time I just wasted. I decided to get back into Mystic Journey; it's not the greatest, but it's …
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| Yesterday was the 21st birthday of a friend, so obviously she wanted to go out and get completely wasted. We ended up …
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| Has the filter for member blogs showing up on the front page of the members' section been removed? The current top blog …
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| I ended up going out of town for the week, and it was my terrible bad fortune to be on the road at noon Monday when …
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| We really need to be able to have more flexibility over where something's image objects attached to it show up. It …
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| I've scoured Google, but all it gives me is sites talking about the tga file format, why it's good, that high-end …
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| I was just looking at the entry for client/Export, and I was about to make a post about that entry instead since I …
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| What's the deal with people whining about this rss update thing? Why would anybody not like it? That's like hating a …
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| I just used the link function for the first time in a long time, and either it's been changed or my memory has. I seem …
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| I just created a new guild, and I listed ways to tell if you're elite in the application process, as that's the only …
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| Take a look at the nonsense here: ID:468017 What's the deal? I've seen quite a few threads bringing up the CSS problem, …
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| In light of the fact that I like science more than fantasy, and that I didn't have many posts about my previous theme …
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| It has finally been declassified. Weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq, so all of the complaining about not …
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| Turn on the news and catch the headline. Al Zarqawi, the man who is by Bin Laden's own words the "prince of Al Qaeda," …
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| Could the file packaging be changed so that it does not require the dmb and rsc files and therefor does not require a …
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| I would really appreciate it if someone could just compile and run the following code and tell me what the output is. I …
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| I'm cleaning up my desktop again, and I'm trying to get rid of all the junk I don't need. In the icon tray at the …
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| I just read a post that got me excited about an idea. ID:452637 I'm not sure if this is what he meant, but it would be …
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| After a lot of searching, I just found on a VB forum that VB has a built-in printer object with an easy to use print …
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| Thanks to RagnarofBurland for showing this to me. I was talking to him the other day about my vision for the future of …
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| I was wondering how to kick off the theme, and I thought a good way would be to share D&D resources. If you know of any …
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| Windows XP's nonsense where it hides the extensions of all the files I'm looking through annoys the heck out of me …
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| It would be nice if there was a way to use hascall to see if there is a global function by a certain name. My specific …
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| I'm trying to use socket functions in PHP for the first time, but I've hit a roadblock right at the start and am hoping …
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| Wow. Did anyone else watch that episode of Battlestar Galactica? So many things happened, and so much changed. Did you …
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| I've been interested in a long time in utilizing 3D modeling programs to create nice 2D graphics. I've heard that some …
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| It would be nice if functions had a built-in local list that recorded the call stack leading up to the current point …
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| Are any records kept of the information gained about members when they subscribe? I just had the scenario pop into my …
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