
Joined: Apr 19 2012

Medals Ljdsp4 has earned

[Only favorite games] [Medals left to earn]

The Olympians


Learned your Godly Heritage.

Earned on May 2 2016, 9:12 am

Alpha Tester

You were among a select few to be chosen for Alpha Testing.

Earned on May 2 2016, 9:12 am


Fairy Tail New Genesis


Play the Game while its in Testing Phrase

Earned on Dec 12 2015, 9:56 am


Bleach: Soul Society

Certified for Combat

Achieve your first battle certification.

Earned on Apr 9 2014, 6:05 pm

Child's Play

Reach or surpass Level 250.

Earned on Apr 9 2014, 6:52 pm

Hard work

Reach or surpass Level 500.

Earned on Apr 9 2014, 6:52 pm


Reach or surpass Level 750.

Earned on Apr 9 2014, 7:20 pm

Hollow Purge 1

Defeat 5,000 Weak Hollows.

Earned on Nov 28 2015, 2:53 pm

Hollow Purge 2

Defeat 5,000 Medium Hollows.

Earned on Nov 28 2015, 2:53 pm

Hollow Purge 3

Defeat 5,000 Strong Hollows.

Earned on Nov 28 2015, 2:53 pm

Hollow Purge 4

Defeat 5,000 Menos Grande.

Earned on Nov 28 2015, 2:53 pm

Certified for War

Achieve your second battle certification.

Earned on Nov 28 2015, 2:53 pm

On top of the world

Reach or surpass Level 1,000.

Earned on Nov 28 2015, 2:53 pm


Bleach: Hollow Flash


Create a character

Earned on Apr 9 2014, 5:56 pm

Gave In

Go into the dark

Earned on Apr 9 2014, 5:57 pm


Naruto Zoes Brasil

Vila da Pedra

Earned on Mar 25 2014, 6:05 pm

Vila da Chuva

Earned on Mar 30 2014, 3:10 pm

Vila da Neve

Earned on Dec 16 2014, 2:45 am

Fairy Tail: New Genesis

Alpha Tester

Played the game in Early Stages.

Earned on Mar 17 2014, 10:50 am


Naruto Victoria


Medalla entregada a los shinobis pertenecientes a la aldea oculta entre las hojas

Earned on Mar 5 2014, 6:21 pm


Medalla entregada a los miembros mas inexpertos de las academias

Earned on Mar 5 2014, 6:22 pm


Naruto: Rogue

The First Step

Leave The Academy.

Earned on Aug 9 2012, 10:21 am


Naruto The Ninja World

Enter the Ninja

You've entered your first stage to becoming a ninja. Enjoy the road there!

Earned on Jun 23 2012, 7:49 am

Moving through the Ranks

You've gotten one step closer to achieving your goal as the best ninja out there! You've obtained the Genin rank!

Earned on Jun 23 2012, 9:07 am


Final Fight

Sound Ninja

You have started out as a Sound Ninja.

Earned on Apr 27 2012, 2:44 am

Rock Ninja

You have started out as a Rock Ninja.

Earned on Feb 23 2014, 11:49 am



Walking On Sunshine

You know it feels good!

Earned on Apr 26 2012, 6:48 am

Haters gonna Hate

Explore the Streets!

Earned on Apr 26 2012, 6:48 am