| Okay then thanks for the info
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| Hey I know I've owned the 1st or 2nd most popular game on BYOND for like 5 years now so this question is kind of …
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| Actually I do understand that the experience for new players is completely terrible but out of 64,000 clicks I would …
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| I didn't start learning programming til I was 17. By 19 my BYOND game had a good amount of players (Dragon Universe, …
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| Another situation that gliding/interpolating would be useful is when a game is using pixel movement but with very large …
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| I don't want my game to show players ads any more, can you perhaps at some point develop a system where hub owners can …
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| 70% of the players on my game (140 players) are also having unexplained "lag", which is actually unplayable, regardless …
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| Are step_x and step_y supposed to be able to go to -1? I think this might be a bug. mob/Move() step_size=1 ..() src If …
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| I thought me and other players were having a bug where our chat box (an output control) would randomly stop scrolling …
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| With my 130 players I don't think that will be viable, it sounds intensive. I would have to rescan every tile in sight …
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| EXGenesis has public hosting off, so there is no way really
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| I must be looking in the wrong place
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| The picture explains most of it. Can't you do something to make that jagged line of sight more straight and less bad …
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| I was wondering if you guys could consider allowing more than 1 username per email again? It's pretty hard to make a …
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| Every minute or two of playing, DreamSeeker will say "Connection timed out." and kick me from the game. I've heard of …
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| Thanks. Yea too bad my code already has like 9999 instances of directly setting the x/y/loc variables. I am not looking …
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| With the step_to() pathfinding I would like an ignore_objs argument so that it does not consider dense obj's as …
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| Why is that? Also what can I do to my computer to change my computer_id on BYOND? Does it have something to do with my …
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| So, why? Any chance of getting this uncapped? Or, does anyone know a library for a custom view proc that goes further …
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| While in a game that uses tile movement with gliding and world.icon_size=32, go to any random object on the map and …
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| Well would it be worth suggesting a new built-in feature that has the same functionality as an output control but is …
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| The only thing that discourages me from using viewers() instead of view() is this article ( …
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| Yes but there could be something like world.list_mode= you_know_whatever ...by default it would be the old mode.
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| Well, the plot, if you wanna call it that, is a shipwrecked cruise ship forces a millionaire to swim to an island where …
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| Police don't care. But ok this just confirms my suspicion that he is immune to any consequences no matter what he does …
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| I know Funimation at one point caused a mass removal of DBZ games, but now I'm being told by someone that DBZ games are …
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| 1) There is no proper introductory material easily available. When you go to Byond.com it says "Create" or "Play" if …
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| I will but I still think client.inactivity should be writable. Thanks
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| I'm not a member but the hub forum, although nice, doesn't fit in with my design concept. Do members have the ability …
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| I don't see how shutting BYOND down will help fight SOPA, because SOPA's goal would be to shut BYOND down. Also they …
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Nov 17 2023, 4:12 pm