
Joined: May 5 2009


Lilkiddo's Favorite Games

by Avatar902 | Feb 5 2009
Tags: anime, roleplay
Just a new bleach game
by Jack0 | Jul 17 2008
by Masterdan | May 13 2004
Gekisen for 56kers, people with slow computers, and people who love to use their LAN.
by Tsonic112 | Jan 7 2005
All my host fiels..
by Enigmaster2002 | Aug 21 2003
Tags: building, chat, icons
A long standing Byond game, continually updated, that progresses alongside the series. Challenge the world of Ninjas, ...

Lilkiddo's Favorite Resources

by SoarinKiller | Jun 29 2002
Gundam Icons From UC to AC!
by YMIHere | Jun 25 2004
Tags: icons
Free turf, obj, and mob icons.
by mystX | Dec 16 2001
Icons I don't use, so go a head and have em.