Lil Buket

Joined: Apr 18 2005


Team Rocket BigBoss
Aug 31 2023, 10:45 am
Maybe one day. One day.
Team Rocket BigBoss
Sep 28 2022, 8:14 pm
remember team rocket lucy
Team Rocket BigBoss
Oct 16 2020, 11:20 pm
hit me up sometime buket

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Lil Buket's Favorite Games

It's time to Duel!
by Kajika | Oct 6 2003
An online version of the Trading Card Game.
by Kajika | Nov 3 2016
Tags: anime
An online inspired version of the Yu-Gi-Oh! strategy board game.
by DDT | Jul 16 2005
100 years ago the spaceship launched. The humans are dead. The robots remain. Can you be the Last Robot Standing?
by Kajika | Oct 6 2005
Tags: fangame
A short example of a Mega Man game using BYOND.