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| The game I'm trying to think of had a simple system to it, yet it was addictive, it was only in its starting stages …
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| It may seem silly, but on wikipedia (Sometimes, it seems to pop up on wikipedia), and most forums that I know of they …
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| Google+ Is alright, though a tad confusing at first. I feel its going to grow over time though, and be much more …
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| An idea I had for an electrical application, that would most likely have to be created outside of Byond for best …
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| It's just a random thought I had earlier today, how come all images on the computer are rectangular/square? It seems …
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| I know it's been requested (And denied) many times in the past, however since I went through the feature tracker, and …
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| VERY Simple game I did while bored, has little fun value.
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| I recently made a simplified version of a damage display system. This assumes you review your programming, or at least …
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| This library is for those who demand efficiency when displaying numbers for damage.
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| Interface feature: onresize The reason I would like this in is to update the map to detect the window size whenever it …
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| It sounds odd to me too, And even if it isn't supposed to be able to do it, it's so odd. A friend of mine gave me a …
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| Simple bug really. If it's a bug at all. Steps: File ->New Environment You will be prompted with: Directory: …
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| Another post! /* Usage: Initializer (REQUIRED): var/names/n = new/names Adding: n.add(name) -> [ TRUE | FALSE ] …
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| I never made much use of my BYOND member page, why not now? A demo on how to get peoples screen resolution: …
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| I would like to see the option of changing the windows layers around. Like, default.layer=1 and outputwindow.layer=3 or …
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| Display clients resolution.
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| I would like to be able to control the default windows dragability. Right now, it's default is set so that you can drag …
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| Well, I was working on a painting type thing, and a friend suggested that I have a 2 color thing, one color for left …
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| Join friends in painting something simple!
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| Adding different formats for the tracker.(Like member pages.) general category="BYOND Features" issue=1750 …
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| Up / Down voting(similar to Youtube's video voting system.) for which features / bugs(maybe) people would like to see …
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| My suggestion would be to speed up compiling in DM. I saw (Through use of a memory editor) That a lot of garbage is …
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| I would like a way to disable word wrap in the input. Maybe create a scroll bar at the bottom to scroll to see the text …
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| For dial-up users, I imagine downloading the resources to a big and popular game can be a tedious task. So I suggest …
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| I would like to see support for transparency in PNG images on the interface elements. Currently, we can click a box to …
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| rand.java import java.util.Random; public class rand { public int rand(int x,int y){ if(y>x){ y -= x; Random rval = new …
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| With bigger games / demos comes more verbs, and sometimes set category just isn't enough. Which is why I would like to …
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| Not sure what it's called. "This is some text [hi]." it would be [hi] inside of that. Currently [hi] is based off of …
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| Suggestion: To add a unique ID to each overlay making overlays a list of current overlays …
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| Well, Youtube released "Text mode video" due to April Fools, But it's er, boring. Just add &textp=fool at the end of …
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| 1.) RscPackage() proc Format: client This will download the resource package located at the specified url. The url can …
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| So it seems Inuyasha has come to an end. "The Final Act" Episode 26 is basically a "This is what happened 3 years …
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| I would like to see layers in the Interface. Also a bring to front / send to back type thing.
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Apr 28 2011, 10:12 am