| @Geldonyetich Ew, Soda. Iced Tea is the way to go. @OP Meh, leave em alone. a lot of people change their mind about …
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| Maximus_Alex2003 wrote: > I vouch for this, the same thing happens to me. > I'll have Dream Seeker up and running as …
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| Fastflyer, the best option you have of keeping your account secure is to change your recovery options with the email …
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| Maximus_Alex2003 wrote: > Besides, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" or something to …
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| ...? There's Comments on members pages. It's up to them if they want to show it or not.
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| This used to be there. I didn't know they removed it.
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| Suggestion: To add a unique ID to each overlay making overlays a list of current overlays …
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| I've used Flash once for a better-quality title because of how it straightens out the lines (to a degree) but that was …
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| Nickr5 wrote: > http://www.byond.com/ developer/forum/?id=714024&view=0 That's just one of over 30 posts similar to this …
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| oh, I see you ate one too.
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| Not sure how to help you. Ask The Linux Guild.
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| They're just doing it for the popular holidays. Hell I don't have a religion because I'm still iffy on the whole thing …
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| Maybe an additional parameter to file? file(Path,Source) file("awesome.mid","cache")// from the folder …
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| Well, Youtube released "Text mode video" due to April Fools, But it's er, boring. Just add &textp=fool at the end of …
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| Enic wrote: > Hmm, I thought TFA would be around 50 eps, that's kinda what I heard D: I don't see how they could, …
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| I see now, Could it be added to the right click menu though?
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| This uses time to update the hash to make sure both the Server, and the updating host file match. You will have to …
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| ...You mean something like Pixel 1: 0 Pixel 2: rgb(0,0,0,0) Pixel 3: rgb(255,0,0,150) Hot Spot: Pixel 1024 ?
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| Lummox JR wrote: > If you can change the challenge question that basically means anyone who gets access to your account …
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| I would be complaining to the ISP if I was you. It's not illegal or anything yet it just goes to show they're being an …
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| Always be sure to mysql_real_escape_string() sprintf("SELECT * FROM `mutes` WHERE `ckey` = '%s'", …
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| I would like to see the ability to set a custom status for yourself in the BYOND Pager for all to see.
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| Copied from the BYOND Features forum by Lummox JR Dragging past the start bar in "fullscreen mode" just doesn't seem to …
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| Tsfreaks wrote: > No, I didn't understand your question. In hindsight, you didn't actually ask one though, right? :) …
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| I-Aryn-I wrote: > This needs to be brought to attention again. At least reply and say yes or no, devs, and why. See Tom …
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| Most game's I have played. and I guess would be the case with the OP would be it does not reconnect. Instead there is …
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| Keeth wrote: > Soulfly - Soulfly IV (instrumental) 6/10 Joe Walsh - "Life's Been Good"
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| TruthKLS wrote: > Just so you know, I would permanently ban you from any game I owned that you disrespected like that …
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Apr 28 2011, 10:12 am